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puppy love


this is hawk.


this is bella (i think).



jace showed my kids a trick to get the puppies to climb on them & get wild.

but it was just too hot.

they kept trying to get in the shade.


lauren really wants jack black.



and talby still really likes waffle.


and i still love mama Callie.
she likes me too.

oh…this puppy debate is ripping my heart apart!
daddy says no.
i say no…then yes…then no…then maybe.
the kids say “pleeeeeeasssseeeeee”

i have left it up to them.
i said “prove to us that you want a dog.”
and so far it’s been quiet.
i said “make a schedule, figure out the cost, who will do what & when”
still quiet….

so we will see what happens.
and daddy still has complete veto power.
and he’ll probably use it.

carissa - oooooh… it is in their hands… sort of… what WILL they do!
your plan sounds super… impressed!
those puppies are sooooo cute! my hubbie wants ANOTHER dog! he nuts!

Kelly - Oh those puppies–they ALMOST make me want another dog. We got a wire hair terrier 1 1/2 years ago, and he’s just now settling down. Lots of days I was ready to put an ad in the newspaper!!! So I wouldn’t recommend a terrier puppy to anyone–but these guys look safe. My 0.02 cents-every kid should have a dog. Tell Dad that!
Your kids are beautiful.

Liz - How could you choose just one from that litter? Take them all!!

Jennifer P. - I can’t be the only one who let out an audible “aaaaaaaw!” at those pictures! They look so sweet! It’s hard to think that any one of them would every poop, pee, chew up, or dig, huh?! 🙂
Ssssssssh….but unless I come to my senses, my kids are getting a dog for Christmas. Just found a local cockerpoo breeder, and unless I come to my senses, I’ve got money set aside for a doggy downpayment in October. I’ll do it if you’ll do it…..
Can’t believe I missed three posts full of gorgeous pictures. Sonic happy hour was my favorite.
AND we’re making cornstarch paint tomorrow. Thanks for the great idea!

Jen - Well, we embarked on the puppy thing last year. The day my youngest began kindergarten I went, without anyone knowing, and got a puppy. So at least you are premeditating it, unlike me. There have been times where I have been ready to kick him out (mostly potty accidents) but the good times sooooo outweigh those times. Our dog is a Shih Tzu so he is non-allergic and does not shed. He is so clean and really nice, oh calm too. 🙂

Queenie Bee - I agree with Linda, I think you should get TWO of them! I’m totally serious too, which probably cracks you up.
When we purchased our puppy, we wished (albeit a year later) that we had gotten another one. Now we have two and they are the best buddies ever.
Double your fun—GET TWO! 🙂

Tracy - I LOVE your idea of making the kids prove they want a dog. My husband and kids LOVE dogs and if I would let them, my husband and daughter would come home with every dog they find anywhere they go! HA! We have had Golden Retrievers for the last 10 years and that is our favorite kind – they are such great dogs so I’m sure the golden doodles are just as wonderful. Thanks for sharing!

mallory Heffron - Great idea make the kids prove that they are ready for a dog. That is a big commitment!!!!

mallory Heffron - They are cute. I am with you on waffling back and forth. It is very hard to decided to get a puppy, they are a lot of work. I think you have a great idea of having the kids prove that they are ready for a puppy. Just remember big dogs make big messes.

traci - oh they are so cute. we are total dog people, so we would have 2 of them in our vehicle heading home now if we were there. i think all kids need a dog.

Robin~Thrifty Miss Priss - oh too cute for words! Yes, they are a tremendous amount of work and heartache (chewing and destruction) but that can be eliminated if you basically treat it like a young toddler and WATCH EVERY MOVE when they are not crated. I’m a huge dog freak (I have two) if you truly think your kids will pitch in some…then I say GO FOR IT!

Chaos-Jamie - Ha! I still remember when you really, really, REALLY wanted some tiny black stray you brought home and named Shaq…and your mom vetoed him.
That apple don’t fall far from the tree, does it?

Nina - awww…let em have a doggie. They are so much fun!! and yeah, expense and trouble sometimes but fun!!

traci - I personally think a dog can be a very good thing for kids. Your kids are all old enough to contribute to taking care of a dog and our dog has really been a huge blessing. It teaches responsiblilty, teamwork, dedication….not to mention the love the dog benefits from.
Those dogs are precious beyond words. If they REALLY want a dog and you say to prove it and you tell them how to prove it then they will….if they dont then they are not ready.

Suzanne - oh yeah…even though we HAVE a 9 year old Beagle, and our yard is just now getting to where we don’t have to worry about him chewing everything in sight or that is accidentally left out(shoes were terrible) they still give us the sad faces & ask us if we can have another one…puppies are adorable but their teeth & the path of destruction they leave behind brings a lot of headaches!! just stay good friends w/the puppies’ owners! kinda like being a grandparent where they say they get to do all the spoiling & fun, then get to give them back!

Sandra - I absolutely see a dog in your future. Who could resist those soooo sweet chubby litle balls of fur!

PamperingBeki - That fluffy white on in the first picture is just irresistable!!
My kids just asked me yesterday if we could get another dog. Or cat.
I can’t handle 3 kids and one dog. I seriously don’t know how you’re still sane. Or are you? Hmm……

At Home Redesigns - Beautiful puppies! I’d love one…

Staci - Great idea! Make them PROVE it! It seems like all fun and games until it’s really your’s! Mama Callie looks like a sweetie…however…do you see that hair on your’s (or whoevever’s) that black skirt belongs to??? WELLLLL, if you are okay with hair being everywhere…then you’ll be good! We had a yellow lab for 12 years and I swear I’m still finding his hair in places 🙂 I’m kind of a freak about hair…so until I can relax about it…our next dog has to be a non-shedder. Good luck…they ARE so adorable…the dogs and your kiddoes 🙂

Linda @ Lime in the Coconut - Awww…I think you may need two…or five. No?

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