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very random

taken out my kitchen window.

my favorite step in making blueberry buckle…folding in the berries.


sean’s bling.  (not k-state colors…they are NU Wildcats colors)

helping daddy wash the truck…
talby was trying to wash off the huge scrape i made from hitting a light post.
(i swear that post wasn’t there when i went IN that driveway)

jr. golf program…all the kids’ clubs.


sonic happy hour.

6 drinks for $5.31.
it really IS a happy hour.

a zinnia ready to debut it’s beauty for the first time.

traci - great pictures, as usual. when i have been away for a few days and get back to my computer, i can’t wait to click on your link. i know that i have great things to see and read when i visit you.

Jen - That picture of the Sonic outing is priceless, it truly captures the moment- the ipod, expressions- I LOVE it. My favorite thing about your blog is the talent you have for photography. You really make everyday things look magical!

Suzanne - sonic happy hour…can’t beat it!
love how the glitter clothespins turned out!!

robin bird - i know of no person, photographer or artist who can make zinnias as pretty as YOU! that is truly a stunner! and i counted 5 kids….is that the gang? i wish you could place little name tags and birth dates on that photo because i would love to get to know them all by name and sight. want me to do that for you:)

Jenny - Random but lovely.

Dana - Just have to save that I’m pretty new to your blog – your photos are outstanding!

emily - HEY! I am trying that sidewalk chalk paint tomorrow, do you think that the texas sun will bake the color into the cement?? 😉

Queenie Bee - I always love your photos (as does everyone else it seems!), but this zinnia one is absolutely “gawjus”!

Staci - I LOVE the way you clarified the colors….NOT K State! I’d think you were a Jayhawk fan or somethin’ ??!! Happy weekend to ya!

PamperingBeki - No fair! I didn’t see that rainbow!
I LOVE Sonic happy hour. Isn’t that the best on a hot day?

steph - I LOVE the zinnia picture! amazing!

Deb - Oh. That. Is. A. Mazing. Truly spectacular!

Deputy's Wife - Ah… I love Sonic happy hour and blueberries…

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