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chalk paint





we made our own.
i wanted to do it all together but annie was the only one i could pry away 
from….which is so annoying to me.
but annie and i had great fun.
the other kids did come out to use the paint
i was reminded of the little red hen…
(i can hear my dad’s voice reading it to me right now)

and afterwards our driveway looked like we’d been vandalized.
it rained two days later and it was gone.
that’s the best kind of mess.

*paint is equal parts cornstarch and water…then add food coloring.
it’s very hard to stir in the beginning but keep trying till it is like watery paint.
it dries very bright.

katie - i’d love to be a kid at your house!!!

Sarah Keith - bought cornstarch and food color today at the store! Love this idea. Enjoy reading your blog.

melissa @ the inspired room - We lost the webkinz passcode. Oops! This sounds fun, might even try this one today.
Happy day,

Trish - So fun!
but where do you get that much cornstarch?
I have never seen it in bulk……but then again, I can;t say i’ve ever looked either.

mallory Heffron - oh that looks like so much fun. My kids are to old for chalk, but I would love to make that…what a great idea.

Sandra - I’m making a mental note of this recipe for when I have grandchildren here for a week mid-August. Thanks!

Nancy - I’m putting this on my list of fun before school starts! Thanks for sharing.

amy j - Sophie has 2 webkinz that she’s gotten as gifts. We’ve never once gotten online with them. I had other friends giving me a hard time about it. Until she’s asking to do it, I’m not about to suggest it! 🙂
And this made me smile… don’t you ever get mad? Or have grumpy kids? 🙂 Love you!

Aubrey - I don’t remember how I found your blog last week, but whatever, I’m just glad I did. I read a ton of old posts and think you’re probably the most awesome mom ever–maybe for the sheer fact that you’re not even fazed my five kids. Don’t you ever get mad? Or have grumpy kids? I wish I knew your secrets…
Oh yeah–I found your blog when Melissa at the Inspired Room featured your drool-worthy new bathroom. I loved it.

Staci - Thanks for icluding the recipe…cause you know we bloggers would’ve been askin for it!!! We are sooo doing it this weekend!!! I’m impressed you kept all those ice cream buckets!!! As sure as I throw a bucket out like that..I’m kickin myself for uses just like this 🙂

Brenis - Too cool! Was wondering about this when your kids did it before – definitely trying it!!! THANKS!!! 🙂 Maybe i’ll get to be “their hero” for an hour or two! LOL
Your kids are definitely blessed to have you as a mom!!

Fit Happy and Healthy - What a great idea. Thanks for the recipe!

Fit Happy and Healthy - What a great idea!

mom - I love how Annie is so into getting it done. She is having a blast. I think it worked for her to have everyone else diverted. Very cute.

Sharla - I want to try this – I know you said it was gone after the rain, but can you confirm it doesn’t “stain”? Thanks!

Amanda Jo - I LOVE this idea for sidewalk paint – I can’t wait to use it!!

PamperingBeki - This looks like something my kids would love.
And mine are obsessed with webkins too. Ugh. Some days it’s not worth the fight and I just let them play there all day. Other days I decide to be a “good mom” and make them do chores instead. haha!

Suzanne - oh, we are SOOOO trying this!!
love ya!

traci - I agree with the others….you ARE the martha stewart of kids activities!!! I enjoy my kids and will miss them when school starts but you inspire me to enjoy them DOING more.
We are DEFINATELY going to try this….what fun. I also watch a couple kids in my house and they would LOVE this.

Steph @ Problem Solvin' Mom - Thanks for including the “recipe” at the bottom! I am going to have to try this, even though my daughter is a bit young yet I think she will love it. I’ll add it to our summer list. You are a great inspiration!

traci - you, my friend, are the martha stewart of kids activities. i am so impressed. when i think back to the activities i did with my kids when they were young – what a bad mom i was.

Jenny - I am definitely going to try this when it warms up again.

Jimaie - seriously meg, you need to be on a talk show or something. how do you manage to be so awesome!? i wanna be bff. right now. or you could just adopt me. either or. 😉
ok so i HAVE to try this now!!!

Amy - OK…so you really are too cool!!! I may have to try this one too! What fun! I’m so glad I found you…this will end our summer off well!! Does it wash off well?

Jen R - Very cool.My kids will love this! Thanks for sharing!

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