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rainbow in the garden





a friend gave me some tomatoe plants this year.
i nervously said “thank you….what do i do with them?”
he said “throw ’em in with your flowers.”
i did and we are giddy about having actual tomatoes that we grew.
i don’t think i trust myself to actually eat something i planted…
but they grew!
it’s so cool.



i have been enjoying the flowers at sunrise this week.
it is so quiet.
the light is so bright.


is this happiness or what?

Nikki - I am absolutely in love with zinnias.

robin bird - aww meg this is a sweet post…yes garden’s at dawn and growing tomatoes is a heaven all it’s own….it should be a separate heaven we wouldn’t want to dilute the heaven of your family 🙂 you did good with that tomato!!! the four zinnia photos are my favorites!

Andrea - Oh, your flowers are so pretty….Love the zinnias…they remind me of my grandmother’s former garden….she always had zinnias…..thanks

traci - wow, your flowers are beautiful. are they zinnias? good job on the tomatoes. they are pretty easy to grow. this is a good year for them too.

Sara - Isn’t it amazing what pleasure you can get from a flower garden. Your pictures are lovely Meg, Flower Power! 🙂

Jennifer P. - Gorgeous for sure! That red/orange/yellow combo. is the color pallete for my house! And for heaven’s sake: EAT THE TOMATOES!!! It’s hard to mess those up! Make big batches of salsa or something ;)!

One Wired Woman - I love zinnias. You have a green thumb, girl!! I’m a homegrown tomato freak!! Love them!! ~Jill 🙂

Kelley - LOVELY!

Nina - I so enjoy your blog….love seeing what your kids are up to and your beautiful pics. hope you don’t mind but I referenced your blog on mine…..have a good evening

carissa - bright… bold… happiness!

Daisy Cottage - It is sheer happiness! Your flowers made me happy too! They are beautiful Meg!

Stephanie - Beautiful!!!! Here is a great recipe with tomatoes. It is better the next day because it gives the garlic time to mellow.
1 lb. mozzerella cheese, cubed
8 medium fresh tomatoes, diced
4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 cup olive oil
1 cup fresh basil, coarsly chopped
1 tablespoon Kosher salt
1 tsp. pepper
1 tsp. crushed red pepper
1 1/2 pounds thin spaghetti or penne rigate
Toss all ingredients and at least set for 30 minutes. Cook pasta per package direction. Drain pasta, add sauce, mix well.
Serving idea: this spaghetti is served cold

chris - I wanted to let you know I tried your stuffed shells recipe, well the shells weren’t stuffed , I used med sized shells, but one of my two kids was willing to try and she gave it two thumbs up , thanks for the yummy recipe, its a keeper.

Amy - Beautiful indeed!
I actually started my very own garden this year…I think I may have some tomatoes as well…the cilantro I grew tastes in amazing in my salsa…the first thing I ever ate in which I grew myself. Quite proud!!

lorel - YOU have been getting up at sunrise? Can that be right? hee hee

Staci - That is TRUE happiness right there! Are they zinnias? LOVE ‘EM!

Rychelle - That IS happiness! Thanks for sharing =)

Jen R - Great pics! Very pretty….! Jen R

Nancy - Love the photos. The zinnias are beautiful. When I was a little girl my mom always let me plant a row of them in her vegetable garden. Haven’t had them “around the house” in years; will plan for them next year. Eat those ‘maters! You’ll be glad you did.

Jenn - Yesterday I was thinking how great your flowers look compared to mine – more lush and bright. I bet you do a better job at watering than I do.

Bethany - What beautiful flowers! I love all the bright colors!!

southernseven - Eat the stinkin things already! They will be sooo much better than the store’s. I planted 4 plants and have about 10 that I need to put up somehow, getting more daily.

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