yesterday i figured out that there were 25 days till school starts.
then i figured out there were 25 (reasonable) things still left on this list!
we had better get working.
we are down to 24 now.
melissa (my virtual bff) featured me on her blog.
seriously so sweet of her.
i am honored.
i love all the features she’s had recently about new home vs. old homes.
thanks you SO MUCH for all the kind comments loving on my bathroom.
i am trying (slowly…you know i have that list to get to) to go to each link.
thanks for making my week!
and i forgot to mention…
the bathroom is definitely NO KIDS ALLOWED.
i told them they could use the bathtub on their birthday.
after 13 years of bathroom sharing
i think this is a reasonable line to draw.
we are even considering putting a lock on the door with a pin code.
i’m not kidding.
although during my first bath annie found me and she sweetly asked
“is der wooom foe me in der?”
i couldn’t say no.
my laundry room has no heat or air.
and it’s teeny tiny. (not complaining just stating the facts)
when i get busy (or lazy) i end up with so much dirty laundry
i can barely move without falling down.
i literally stand on the mountain of dirty clothes.
then it’s so hot…i sweat like crazy folding it in the laundry room.
so we brought it all out last night and made everyone fold till it was finished.
they hated it so much that we decided it is the new monday night chore!
monday night will now be laundry folding night.
a family affair.
done in 10 minutes instead of mom sweating away all alone.
great idea craig!
i have to quit blogging so i can get school enrollment forms done.
they are due tomorrow.
and then i have to pick something off the list to get checked off.
24 days to go.
Chaos-Jamie - When you get to the Kansas City check, stop in and say “hey!” (Or not, I know how it can be.)
Steph @ Problem Solvin Mom - Speaking of your summer list…I thought it was such a great idea we started our own. I’d like to do a post updating our progress and linking to this post, is that ok with you?
Love your blog!
johnnie - I hate laundry …and we used do the same thing – we called it a folding party!
I would dump all the clean clothes on our bed and we watch Survivor. We all fold/hang our own clothes, and then run to put it away on commercials! heh!
I recently quit sorting clothes -Everyone now has their own hamper in their rooms and I do each person’s clothes in two loads total.. one light load, one dark load all on cold. Then when its done its either hang dried or into the dryer – then back into the basket/hamper and into that persons room to hang or fold put away. no more sorting dirty clothes by color/type, and then sorting again while folding by person/room,sorting socks/underwear by person and then sorting when putting away by drawer… so much faster and no more dirty clothes on the floor.. I haven’t had an issue with clothes bleeding on each other..
Jennifer P. - Poor Meg! I’m trying to picture you standing on a mound of dirty clothes, sweating! Glad you have 5 kids with able arms to help you out :)! Love that you finally put a picture of your camera up in your sidebar. Were you getting tired of all the asking ;)!?
Steph @ Problem Solvin' Mom - Great laundry solution! Hubby and I share the laundry folding, while my daughter “helps” by pulling things out of the pile and parading around with them.
I love your summer list. I came over to your site from Momadvice when she did a post on it. We made our own and are loving checking things off as we go!
susan - Just yesterday on the Wichita Craigslist under “FREE” there was a quarter horse. Today it’s gone. Did you get it?
Liz - Oh, nice solution to the dreaded laundry sorting problem. We have laundry meeting us at the door! (Not really, but almost).
Stacey - Great, just what I needed on my to-do list, another blog to read. LOL! I’m new to your blog and am loving your gorgeous home and lovely photos! Thanks for sharing them with us!
traci - how exciting to be featured on her blog. i have never seen a picture of the outside of your house. beautiful!!! love the porch – that has always been my dream – to have a big front porch. that’s a lot of laundry girlfriend. kind of reminded me of “jon and kate plus 8”. when are you checking off “teach lauren to drive”? have a good day!
Dayna - I can’t believe summer is so close to being over! I am secretly happy, I love love love Fall.
I haven’t taken a bath alone in at least 4 years. Lol.
carissa - THANK YOU for sharing! I’m NOT the only one walking on piles of laundry!
putting the stacks away is yuck!
are you going to get a dog?????? it’s on the list!
btw… your bathroom is dreamy! beautiful! you deserve every square inch!
Amy - oh my goodness…I’m taking a break from my laundry folding right now…I LOVE this idea…I wonder if I could incorporate it into our schedule…doesn’t hurt to try.
Love the poster idea with the things to do…we did that last summer…for some reason we didn’t do it this year…good reminder.
Staci - Love the Monday Night Chore as a family! What fun it will be in the Fall watchin’ some FOOTBALL!!! How long have I been reading your blog…a couple of months maybe??? JUST NOW, I thought…how cute…Meg and CRAIG…they rhyme! Ahhhh! I’m a little slow, hope I can be allowed to continue reading
lorel - Yikes I only have 21 more days of summer left! And that is counting the weekends, too. I wish we could figure out a way to fit in “go to Macy’s” soon.
Rebecca - Meg- We love reading your blog!!! That Annie Bananie is so cute I can’t stand it! She could have her own show and we’d watch!! Your summer sounds fun! Good luck on those 24 things!!!
Rebecca and Tom, your friends in Alabama
Beth - I love the laundry idea. And! I made a rule this summer that unless it’s an emergency and/or someone is hurt I am not to be interrupted in the bathroom — it’s amazing that as soon as I shut that door, they are banging on it to ask me something. They wouldn’t do that to their dad. hmmm.
Dawn-Hydrangea Home - Love the laundry idea. Your laundry room sounds like mine – I can’t move in there either and it never ends! Love your bathroom, I found your link on Melissa’s blog. Beautiful – I would never come out of there!
Dawn-Hydrangea Home - Love the laundry idea. Your laundry room sounds like mine – I can’t move in there either and it never ends! Love your bathroom, I found your link on Melissa’s blog. Beautiful – I would never come out of there!
robin bird - whoa! i stopped and commented way too soon! i thought there were two posts…. i mean three… your friend’s blog, showing us your beautiful a lovingly cared for home? is a wonderful bit of love sent over the wire! your house it as pretty as you are meg
the other point one i missed was the list of 25…i am wondering about the “get a dog” one… is there no chance at all ? :(well maybe it would be more practical to get the horse anyway….yes! that’s it! get the horse!
robin bird - fabulous family photos for your scrapbook! wait till the year 2050 when your grandchildren ask you : “you mean you all had to fold those clothes yourselves!??!” “You didn’t have the throw away kind back in the olden days i guess huh?”
Leslie - Glad to hear someone else is gearing up for school to start. We went to Academy last night and got new tennis shoes and backpacks for the kids. So happy to have that done!
Chrince - “i told them they could use the bathtub on their birthday”
I laughed so hard at that.
Shelly H. (in Overland Park, KS) - We have season passes to Worlds of Fun. So, when I first seen that on your list, I thought that would be so fun to see you and your family out there. Getting a dog, getting a horse and teaching Lauren to drive are still there? I thought you would have jumped on those, LOL.
But… there are some that you could get done in one day… if you packed it all in… like going to KC, Worlds of Fun, Macy’s, out to eat… and what the heck, you could make some lollipops along the drive to KC =) That would be some fun multi-tasking!!
I need to make a laundry-night at my house… me staying up and doing it is getting pretty old… =)
PamperingBeki - 24 days?! That’s scary.
I thought it was really confusing and complicated but maybe I’m just blonde.
I did my enrollment paperwork last week and I thought of you because you have quite a few more kids than me.
I’ve been taking my kids to the sprinkler park every Thursday this summer on our No Media day. If you guys want to go next week let me know. We won’t be around this Thursday to do it.
Shana - Just another reminder that (as your friends) we are here for you and are willing to help you check off one more box with ease.
You gotta see these guys!
jen - What a sweet hubby to even suggest it!
chris - I have got to try that , I hate laundry , th efolding and the putting away , that always gets forgotten , do you have a way to get kids to put the clothes away ???