Masthead header

calgon take me away.

let me refresh your memory.

the before photos…

and now, welcome to my dream world.
the after photos….


come on in.


diana…check out your chandelier!

i love it so much.
thank you.






so sneaky.
i have to tell you about this little table.
i walked through one of our local anitque shops one day.
one of the last booths i had left to see and there it was.
it’s legs were painted white and it had two little doors that were broken.
but just for the mirrored sides…my heart got to pumping.
i bought it for $12 in disbelief.
then i brought it home and took off the doors.
i went to touch up the paint and realized all the legs and details wereΒ 
covered in mirror and then had been painted.
i couldn’t believe it!
i got out a razor blade and scratched off all that paint.
it is my favorite piece i have ever salvaged.





the old door was in the craft room but it may stay as free art.
and the mirror was one we had in our bathroom remake in our IL house.
and how about that buffet?!
thank you again mom for scoping out the stores to find it.



this was the little window that originally went into our closet.
i have yet to decide what to do with this little space.
maybe for jewelry…
or a picture…
i don’t know, but it will come to me one day.
and in our old closet is now another bathroom.
i’ll show you that another day.
it’s pink.
and in our bedroom we built an new closet.
same size but now completely organized.
(maybe i will actually put things away now…my husband hopes)



craig wants to make sure everyone knows i mean PEACE like relaxing.
not the hippie kind of peace…HA.

i am so in love with this room.
bernie – the contractor – was awesome.
this room is better than we ever hoped.
now i think i will go take another bath!

Arent Gable - Looking at the bathroom totally made me fresh and at peace.
Thanks for sharing.

Rosemary Amey - Love the pictures. They looked great.

Willie Parker - You don’t have to read the words in order to know the blogger’s motif. She likes antique. She is fond of using the old things she has and reuse it.

Ronda - Love it! I too was highlighted for my bathroom on Remodelaholic. Looks like I’m in excellent company.

Sam M. | Atkinson Drive - This is GORGEOUS…I am SO ready to go re-do my master bath now {and my husband thinks I’m crazy}. You did an amazing job! {found you at Remodelaholic} - Wow.. awesome things shared here. I like all. There are all thing related to different places like bed room, bathroom, kitchen, hall etc. In this places the things are beautiful.

Candy Hung - OH MY GOD,’s really nice idea to change everything in this room…I like every imaging so much on it~~~!!!”GOOD” job ^-^

Claudia - I love that unique find, the mirrored table. You’ve done a great job with remodeling. Good luck in your re-newed place.

Sandy - This has to be one of the most beautiful bathroom’s I have ever seen! Awesome job!

Ivy Mae - That’s amazing! I love the floor and the mirror. Well, and the sunken tub too, but I figured that went without saying.

Suzanne - WOW! What a beautiful room! I’m not one for soaking in the tub, but I sure could in a wonderfully peaceful room like this. It’s beyond description!

Visible Images - OH MY GOSH!!!!!!! This is GORGEOUS! I stumbled upon your delightful post from my friend Liz at “Mabel’s House” and wow what a treat this was. You have one of the most beautiful bathrooms I have EVER seen!!!!!!! Congrats!

Tonya - beautiful! i saw a buffet like that recently and i was trying to come up with a way to use it. it looks like it was meant to be there.

Eloise - Another “friend of Mabel’s” here. Wow! Your new bathroom is stunningly beautiful. You must be so pleased with the way everything came together. Bravo!

sizzle - Got sent over here from Mabel’s. That bathroom is beautiful. I love it!

tracyt - came across from the sweet Mabel’s House – she is right – i am glad i was sitting down!!!
your room is beautiful – congrats x
i now need a cup of tea so that i can look through your blog and see what other lovely things you have done.
t x

Lorilee - WoW, It is all gorgeous. I love the mirrored salvaged piece. What a find! I also like the little wooden bench-so cute. Wonderful room and wonderful photoss

Rhoda - I thought I commented on here the other day, but WOW, oh WOW, what a bathroom. I came from Melissa’s link & then Mabels & now I think I have to add you to my favorite blogs too. What a gorgeous creative space you have managed to accomplish. It truly is just stunning!

John - Wow! Thanks to Marbel for sharing this link. It is gorgeous.

Jen - Wow! When I say I hate you, you understand that it is a compliment, right? You did a fantastic job. I’d love it if you shared the wall color. Jen

Jamie - Amazing bathroom – just gorgeous. Enjoy it!

Molly - That bathroom looks like it’s straight out of a magazine!! You’re vision is amazing, I love it!

Linda @ Lime in the Coconut - I found you through mabel’s blog…Hold on, let me pick my chin off the floor. There.
WOWSA!! That is stunning, and what beautiful photography too! That mirrored table is divine…as is EVERYTHING!!
Don’t worry if you walk in one morning and find someone you don’t know in your tub…It’s just me…listening to tunes.
Carry on.
off to seee what other beauties you have uncovered. Glad to find your blog!! Mind if I link it??

Beth - I Love your bathroom. I have a yucky bathroom in my the basement of my new house and now I know exactly what I want to do with it! Thanks for the inspiration!!!

Diane - Wow! I love your wall color in the bathroom! I would love to know the name of it!
Also, love your kitchen! Can you tell me where you found you bamboo blinds? I’ve been wanting them for a long time. I think you sold me on getting them.

midwifeliz - I’ve been lurking for a while. I love the pictures of your home. You have a great eye for color, form and things that are well made. I completely love your craft room too. You seem like a totally fun mom.

Sandra - Your old door reminds me of what we did in our old family farmhouse that we renovated and lived in for 20 years. When we had to tear down the frame portion of the house because it was falling down, we saved the doors and used them in the new construction that replaced that part. It worked great at blurring the lines between old and new!

Jennifer P. - I am actually tearing up a little that is so flipping gorgeous! I love that you found the perfect place to use your Christmas banner!!! It’s all SO perfect! You must, must, must send those pictures to a magazine! I’ll see if I can’t get Jennifer Paganelli over here to have a look. She’s got friends in high magazine-y places :)!
Great, great, great job Meg (and Bernie!).

One Wired Woman - Absolutely the coolest bathroom I’ve ever seen. I love all of the white… Enjoy that bathtub!! You deserve it!! ~Jill

Julie K. - Wow! You always had a nack for design, decorating, and just plain fabulous taste. Is your house perfect or what? You can never move again. You are one very very blessed mama. I swear … we’ll see you featured in Home Companion or Country Living or some fabulous magazine spread with your own photos … they won’t even need their staff photographers! :o)
Hugs to you!!

Michelle - You’re bathroom turned out gorgeous Meg! Congratulations on your own space. You’re so good at getting your pictures to capture the feeling. Love, Love, Love the tile work and horizontal beaded walls. Quite lovely!

Linda@ Restyled Home - Love it, of course, as I love everything you do…
I want a soaker tub, it must be heavenly to soak in yours?
Enjoy your list!

Susan - What a wonderful getaway room!! You have such an amazing artistic eye and it shines through in your gorgeous new bathroom. I’m just a little jealous. Enjoy!

Mod Girl - Not bad. Not bad at all! Enjoy!

Michelle Baker - Amazing! I love the combination of grunge and glamour. Gorgeous!!

Claudia Hill - I discovered your gorgeous bathroom via the Inspired Room. Its just lovely and I am so happy to discover what you did with the buffet. It may be just the answer for my bathroom. When we moved in it just had a pedestal sink and I need storage. I was thinking of having something built, but this would be much more satisfying! And maybe less expensive?

Andrea - LOVE that bathroom! Oh my gosh! It looks like a day spa!

laura @ the shorehouse. - Just came by from the Inspired Room, too, and had to say how much I love this room!! It is *amazing* — everything down to the peace banner (though mine would be a double entendre…relax and hippie. πŸ™‚

Beth - That is just gorgeous! I love it. I kinda like the hippie kinda peace too (as well as the relaxing kind) πŸ™‚

Jess - wow..what an amazing space! do you have a sign on the door that says “no kiddos allowed”….i am loving your style!!! -jess

The Antiques Diva - AMAZING! It’s absolutely beautiful!! Living in space-challenged Europe for the last decade I am always envious of American homes, but your is truly to die for! I’ve printed off a dozen pics and added them to my Style File with a note for someday! I’m so glad I discovered your blog today through Inspired Home.
The Antiques Diva (TM)

sheree - Every single inch is stunning. You did an amazing job!

Julie - I am getting over my intense bathroom jealously little by little. I think it will take a very long time. So to make peace with it, I tagged you on my blog today. Enjoy!

Heather S - WOW! I’m amazed, jealous, inspired…

amanda - Beautiful! “Peace” made me laugh – my husband would want to clear the air on that too – goofy men! πŸ™‚

Kelley - beautiful. congrats. amazing marriage of old and new! enjoy!

Heidi Claire - You are a very clever girl and I love what you did. I had to share a little bit of it with my friends (hope ya don’t mind). I linked you and Melissa in the blog and I added you to my blog roll. It is great to find insainly creative women like you out there. Keep it up. Heidi

Jess - Meghan-The bathroom is fabulous! I love the buffet. Seeing your pictures makes me want to re-do my bathroom.

Queenie Bee - Forgive me, O Lord, while I covet this beautiful bathroom…

Liz - Cant… breathe…gasping…
The most beautiful bathroom I’ve ever seen. Ever.

robin bird - magnificent meg!!! that’s you πŸ™‚ such a creative diva you are…wow! i love what you have done here. the white on white, vintage, chic, classy..and then that birdcage!!! you have such a creative eye:)

Leigh Ann - This bathroom is the absolute bomb-diggity!! I LOVE IT!!! By the way, I grew up in IL. Where did you used to live?

Nancy - Love it. Absolutely love it.

mrslimestone - Absolutely stunning. This is quite possibly my favorite renovation ever…so much character and luxury at the same time. Oh and the space you have in that bathroom is also pretty amazing!

jen - I have just spent the last 20 minutes looking all through your blog! I love it! You are such a wonderful mom, really gifted. You, also, are a great photographer. When my blog grows up I hope it to be just like yours!:)

Blanca - Absolutely beautiful! Modern convenience mixed with weathered old pieces. Love it.

amy - meg~ i’m drooling! what a beautiful mix of old and new! i L-O-V-E it!
ok, now my head is swirling with ideas for my bathroom…see what you did! damn you!

Amie - what a beautiful bathroom!
i’ve spent the last couple of weeks at working sneaking reads of your blog, i think i’m all caught up now! what a great and beautiful family, i just love it. but one question, what is awana (i think that’s what it said on the chore board)??

Allikayesmama - Oh girl! That is right out of a magazine! Beautiful! My favorites are the chandelier and sparkly accents…as well as how cool it looks all white like that!!! LOVE it…jealous!

Rhoda - First time to your blog, via Melissa’s! What a gorgeous, totally fun bathroom. I love, love all the details and the vintage feel. And what a find on that mirrored piece, it’s so perfect for your space. What a grand vision you had for this room!

traci - hello meg…..are you there?….oh, i bet you’re in your beautiful, peaceful, relaxing bathroom soaking in your tub.
the bathroom is awesome. you all did a fantastic job. love the buffet/vanity. and the door as art – perfect.

Jen R - LOve what you did! Great bath! Jen R

dawn - This is just lovely! I am here via The Inspired room & I will be back for sure! Love the craft room too!

princess lasertron - dear god.
I think I have to change my panties.

Lorel - How beautiful. I knew it would be. Wow!

emily - LOVE IT! It’s amazing. Enjoy it!

melissa @ the inspired room - Totally lovely new old house chic perfection.
You RAWKED with this one, girl!
Happy soaking and thanks for sharing the amazing bathroom goodness!

Amber - What a transformation! What was this room before…an extra bedroom? I love all the after pictures. You seem to have such a wonderful design sense-something I’m trying to acquire. I’m struggling with making our apartment look a little less apartment-like if you know what I mean.

Leslie - Just beautiful! I love how you kept it the same style as your home. I love the old character with modern conveniences. Great job!

cjs - oh, I am salivating!
my favorite detail…

Dana D @BoysMyJoys - WOW! There are a million little details that I love about your bathroom! It looks like something you would see featured in a magazine! My favorite, favorite thing is the beautiful mirror above the sink! You did an outstanding job!

Tiffany - Oh….. my….. what a lucky lucky girl you are! Have fun with your new little “peace” of Heaven! hehe

Steph @ Problem Solvin' Mom - What a wonderful retreat! Thanks for sharing it with us this once πŸ˜‰ I am so in love with all of your house!

Lindy - WOw WOw WOw and WOw is all I can say. What a FABULOUS bathroom! I love every single thing about this space – when can I come visit to take a bath????
I love the ledge on the side of the tub where you have all of your candles and glass jars. Maybe you could put a few little ferns, or something similar, in them. Like a miniature terrarium.
And that mirrored table – WHATEVER – you scored big time on that one. Those things go for big bucks at the antique stores. What fool decided to paint it??? Man, I need to come junking with you….
Fantastic space – very beautiful.

Lori Eurto - You probably won’t get this comment, since you’re probably too busy sitting in that lovely tub, bein all “peaceful”
and whatnot… But I think you need ART IS A JEALOUS MISTRESS to hang on a lovely antique coat hook in that little window in the bathroom!
Just my opinion. πŸ˜‰

Staci - Oh Meg! Absolute HEAVEN!!!! Turned out so beautiful…how will you ever want to come out of there??!! Love the painted buffet! ENJOY!!!

Suzanne - love it, love it…but hate you!!! how can ONE person have so much talent & eye for such great EVERYTHING!! amazing!
one texas girl who is DEFINITELY j-e-a-l-o-u-s!!
now, get outta here & go soak in your peace:)

PamperingBeki - Meg, that is GORGEOUS!!
That’s it, I’m moving in….

amy - the pictures don’t even do it justice… it’s spacious and truly gorgeous. And so you.

chris - You have the perfect bathroom , I am so in need of a bathroom that beautiful, gorgeous fantastic, I love the vanity , it looks so nice white.
Enjoy ,

southernseven - They will still find you, you can’t hide in there forever!
This looks great. I love the mirrored table. And buffet. We also are remodeling our bath- well, you added not remodeled, but living without a sink until plumbing is moved and wall redone. I hope to have photos soon.

crystal - Absolutely beautful. Looks like it belongs in a magazine. Enjoy !!!!!

kim - It is beautiful! I have enjoyed seeing the progress on your bathroom. Enjoy!!!

Peggy Rice - Can I move in? You are not only a great photographer, but a wonderful designer as well.

Lanny Stanard - Meg, Okay that could be in a magazine! I love it and it didn’t seem like it took that long! but I sure it did to you…

Marnie - OH. WOW. ohwowohwowohwowohwowOHWOW! You Lucky, Meg! You LUCKY!!

Jenny - It is truly beautiful.
I love the bird cage with the fern, and the chandelier, and the old door, and your finds. I love it all.

Stephanie - I love the shabby, chic look of your bathroom. You would so love the Tattered House. I added the link so you could check it out. Everyday I drive by this blue house and dream of buying everything in the store! PS – love the steal on your $12 dresser – beautiful!

Chaos-Jamie - It is Awesome! But I have to admit, though it is lovely, I’d hate for anyone to be able to see me that clearly in the shower. LOL.

Julie - Would you be offended if I admitted that I totally coveted your bathroom, and am really jealous? If I had that gorgeous space I would never ever come out and the kiddos would have to fend for themselves. Love it!

Dayna - Oh, it’s so lovely! It turned out fantastically! It looks like such a place of relaxation now. Enjoy it!

Kasey - Wow! I am speechless and jealous! That is gorgeous! πŸ™‚

Cathie - lovely
what a wonderful place to escape all reality.
Enjoy to the fullest!

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