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missing her


she’s been at my parents’ house all week.
probably getting to do pretty much everything she loves to do.
we are missing her badly..especially annie.
we’ll pick her up tomorrow.
it’s been different around here.
i haven’t had as many hugs as i am used to…

shelli - would you mind if i asked you a couple of photography questions via email? my email is

mom - We did have a wonderful time. Thanks for letting her stay for the week. And she and Macy did get to do pretty much anything they wanted!! But they were both very appreciative of each day. Very sweet little girls!

emily - I love your piggie pics! What a fun day.

traci - i bet you do miss her. it’s always different when one of the kids is away. kind of offsets your universe. hope you’re getting your share of hugs today.

Staci - It is amazing how much you miss the little stinkers! Just not quite right when one is missing…I’m sure she’s having a time though! Just wanted to say once again how much I enjoy your blog!

crystal - I will agree things do seem “not right” when one child is gone for more than one night. All three of mine will be staying with my parents for the whole week and live four hours away. I cry like a baby for about 15 minutes when they pull away and I’m in a slump for almost an hour. But I know deep down they are well taken care of and my parents are creating wonderful memories for my girls.

Jennifer P. - One makes such a difference! Glad you get her back soon :)!

leslie - I am sure she misses her mommy just as much as you miss her! I used to spend six weeks with my grandma in Nebraska every summer and those are the best memories. But it was always great to see mom again!

Allikayesmama - Those pool noodles are calling my name! And I would miss daughter hugs too! Allikaye is just starting to be a hugger! Oh!

Dayna - I wondered where she’s been in your pictures! I get sad when either girl leaves for any amount of time.

southernseven - My dad took 4 of my kids on Wed to the beach. I totally understand. My house is quiet. Hate to admit I am soaking it up as much as possible, but I keep thinking about what they might be doing.

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