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a few favorites


my favorite snack.
strawberries, vanilla yogurt and cereal.
i have been eating this almost everyday for weeks…so summery.


my new favorite spot in the whole wide world.
the new bathtub…in the sunshine…ahhhhhhhhhhh.
the bathroom is 98% done.
i’ll show it all when it’s totally done.
it is better than i had even hoped.


my favorite dog…Callie.
i know she is a dog and it’s differentΒ 
but seriously i could barely nurse one baby for a month…she’s got seven.
and she’s so soft and so sweet.
she’s my favorite.


as much as i like walking with my girlfriends…
i also like walking alone because i get to listen to this.
kind of nerdy right? Β 
i don’t mind.
i love his sermons…and his irish accent.
check him out. Β 
i have learned so much since i started listening to him preach.
(thanks lisa for the collin smith hook up)


my favorite color.
this shade of green.
winter spinach…that’s what the paint chip says.
i love it.


my favorite flower in bloom in my yard right now.
when my zinnias bloom (if the grasshoppers let them) they will be my favorites.
but for now…it’s the yellow coneflower.
i only have this one plant.
i wish there were more.
so pretty.


and my favorite guy.
what a great weekend we had.
homemade ice cream…the pool…a fun date…painting…hanging out.
he’s my most favorite of all my list of favorites. Β 

betsy - Beautiful pics. Can’t wait to see the new bathroom!! We’re about to begin remodeling our bathroom and I’m sure I’ll be stealing some ideas πŸ™‚

Pam - hello there meg! i just love your blog…i admit i check on you every day…you make me smile πŸ™‚ your taste is my taste to a T! would you mind sharing who makes the color ‘winter spinach’? i’m thinking it’d either be great on an old piece of furniture or possibly the playroom walls. xo

art cant hurt - winter spinach – LOVE it!
your up-beat-ness is exactly what I needed today!
thanks for sharing your faves. take care!

Shana - My favorite dog too! She’s soooo sweet!

Steph - I’m somewhat new to your blog, over from momadvice. I love this post, I’ve been working to keep up my gratitude list, and think it would be great to drop some pictures in to really show what I’m talking about in my journal! I’m loving your haircut too!! I’m going to have to ask my hairdresser if she thinks my hair would “do” that…

robin bird - this is my first visit to your blog having found my way here by way of liz over at
i enjoyed being here right from the first click! your favorite things post inspired me to begin thinking about what i might post if were to make that list my own. it might be as long as 5 miles though if i were to have the time to lest and photograph all my favorite things! your photos are great and i see you are a scrapbooker…i’m the digital only type but passionate none-the-less.
i’ll be back πŸ™‚

Staci - Your life makes me very happy! ( I mean, so does mine…) but you really seem to have everything into perfect perspective! Wish I could allow myself to relax in a tub like that! I’m trying πŸ™‚

Yolanda - My friend, Peggy at pointed me in the direction of you blog since you were looking for ideas for feeding the family.
I am a Registered Dietitian and have a blog called Yo’s Kitchen Counter – Where Friends, Family and Food Come Together. I am in the process of having a big, fancy website built that will include lots of food and nutrition ideas for the family. Until that is up and running you can visit my “tester” blog at
I loved your scrapbook layouts. I started scrapping a couple of months ago. I need to include some layouts in my own blog.
In Health,

Amanda Jo - Nerdy? Are you kidding?
I love listening to sermons. I really enjoy Alisair Begg. He’s good and I think he’s Scottish so he’s got a nice accent to listen to.

Liz - Why does my cereal and yoghurt never look that appealing?

traci - such a tease – can’t wait to see the new bathroom – all 100% of it. great favorite list – even greater pictures as always. such a sweet mom callie, so patient and nurturing. glad you had a wonderful weekend.

Dayna - Great stuff!
I love that snack, too. That and watermelon. Mm.
Great shade of green, I like pretty much any shade of green =)

cynthia - i’m going to have to check out those sermons…
and you might want to try kashi, vanilla yogurt and strawberries/blueberries, it’s really good too!

meleea - those are some of my favorites too – only my hubby, not yours. one of my favorite places to be is the tub! i love your pictures – they are amazing!

JimaieMarie - i loved this list, SO cute! Everytime i see you and your guy together i smile, you’re so adorable you two!
i’ve got to check out this collin smith and OH MY that shade of green is lurvely!! i esp like the pink peeking thru πŸ˜€

melissa @ the inspired room - Aw, love this. Where is that bathroom! Love the feet but let’s see the rest!!!
Happy soaking!

Jenny - Thanks for that link to Colin Smith – I wouldn’t have found him any other way and I really enjoyed listening to him.
Also, cute toenail colour!

Jennifer P. - I am that gorgeous shade of winter spinach green with envy over your new bathtub!
Love all your fave things :)!

chris - I am really looking forward to seeing that bathroom of yours, you guys are much faster than me , took me a year just to superficially improve mine.

One Wired Woman - I needed to read your happy post today. Not so happy over in my neck of the woods. Maybe I need a bath!! That’s the ticket!! Let me go and get the water running right now. πŸ™‚ ~Jill

Suzanne - i’m so behind on your posts, but today’s is GREAT!!! thank you for always following up my questions w/your too sweet answers…
your pictures are as crisp & fun AS USUAL! hope you are all enjoying summer…

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