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we got to babysit on sunday!
jenn rang the doorbell and 4 kids ran to the door screaming
“London’s HERE! London’s HERE!”
very funny.
we spoiled her all evening.


doesn’t she look happy?
ha ha ha.
i am not sure who was more nervous…london or thumper.

later i sent the girls in for ice cream cones and
i snuck london to the backyard where the sun was peeking through the trees.





“what’s up with that tongue” i kept thinking.
then i turned and saw what sean was doing behind me.


goofy boy.
london loved it.

i heard all her aunties were jealous!
sorry you didn’t get to see her in person sunday night
but we were so happy to have her with us.

she’s welcome anytime jenn….

robin bird - good morning! i stopped by today (it is sunday) for another visit but since you hadn’t updated your blog i went backwards 🙂 these photos are simply the sweetest ever baby shots! i also really laughed seeing explanation for all that tongue wagging 🙂 yes you were quite lucky!

melissa @ the inspired room - precious photos. come on, meg…you need to start a photography business. you are so talented!

JimaieMarie - what a GORGEOUS little girl!! oh my goodness!!
you captured such PRECIOUS pictures of her!
so cute.

CJsmom - Ahhhh Megan,
Aunt Shanna was jealous……but once again I see how well she was taken care of and how much fun she has with your family.
The pictures are lovely. Thanks for being there for Jenn and Russ.

Lanny Stanard - Megan, you make me laugh!

Lanny Stanard - what a cutie! is it hot there? it sure is here and I hate it! stay cool…

Peggy Rice - Hi Meg!
That is so exciting that you emailed. I love your blog! I have been a blog stalker for a while now and thought I would share it with others.
My family and I did recently move to Paris and it has been an adventure. I think my blog doubles as therapy. Stay tuned I just might go crazy online for all to see.

Jennifer P. - I love that he was sitting up in the bird bath! What a cutie pie that London is–love when she gets to come for a visit!
And now I want to go jump in puddles…..and play bean bags!

PamperingBeki - Megan, those are beautiful!! I love the one of her picking flowers.

Amanda Jo - THAT is the most precious baby and I loove her name!
By the way, you’re an excellent photographer!!

traci - she is so cute and getting so big already. i just love her name!!! great photos of her – love the tongue – so cute!!

Jenn - I had no clue that you had taken pictures of London the other night! I should of known better – these are once again just beautiful. Will you also add these to the shower pictures! I needed this bright piece of sunshine this morning – thanks for being such a wonderful friend – you are the best! Jenn

Jenny Pocknall - Gorgeous!

Crystal - Hi Meg! I did your your nest photo…thanks a bunch!! 🙂 You can send your address to that email… 🙂

Amy Walker - She is absolutely beautiful and she has two great parents! Megan, you take such great pictures, always capturing the wonderful things life has to offer if we just slow down enough to “catch” them:)

One Wired Woman - Oh she is precious. Love those pretty eyes. Love that silly tongue. 🙂 ~Jill

Lee Ann - I bet her mommy will leave her with you more when you send her home with great pictures like that!

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