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puddle jumpers



we had a huge rain last week in the morning.
after everyone slept in because of the dark clouds (thank you dark clouds)
the kids got dressed and headed out to the puddles.
this one in our neighbors' driveway by their garage.
it's always there after a big rain.




water in her kitty boots.
talby didn't last too long…
she got too wet too quick.
and then it began to rain again.
back inside for more arthur and magic school bus.
(thank you arthur and magic school bus).

Linda - Your blog is like my happy place! I love seeing all the pictures and the love you have for your family is palpable…!

chris - Hey hey , thanks for stopping by as always I love to hear from you , did I talk you out of getting a puppy , if not today’s dog dilema was that my dogs anal sac is absessed , yes that right clogged and infected but it burst through the skin and is now oozing constantly , a slow ooze , the vet came by and tried to empty it and treadted $240.00 later he should be able to get better now , if you want I dog I will mail you one of mine, kidding of course, but wow what a crazy life I lead in part to those two dogs I have .
Yes that show is a show , it is Canadian show , you would be great , I do believe they go everywhere , you should sign up , they allow you to makeover a room , then the designer does it his way , they go to the street and ask people to choose which one they like than the home owner gets to keep which ever one they want , not bad huh. Heck I should sign up too.

Jillian - Hi,
I was looking for an email and could not fidn one on your site. Anyways, I work for a game company called Gamewright. We were hoping that you and your family would try out a few of our games. Let me know what you think. The website is
thanks, Jillian
PS your pictures are great.

PamperingBeki - How fun! My kids don’t even bother with the rainboots, just splash in their bare feet. 🙂 (the boots are much cuter though)

Liz - You have, hands down, the most fantastic photos. Really. How do you do it?

Nancy - Wish I had me some kitty boots to go outside and play in the puddles. What fun. The photos are great!

Joni - I love your pictures. Every time I look at your site I feel like I’m flipping through a beautiful magazine thinking, “I wanna do that too!” You are very inspiring.

Staci - We had a day just like that last week…except, we weren’t able to take advantage of the dark clouds and sleeping in because of ZOO CAMP! Darn it! Dark clouds…if you are out there, please come back on a day when we really can sleep in! Great Pics by the way!

Dayna - Great photos! What kind of camera do you use, if you don’t mind my asking? I love your photos. Looks like they had a blast! Send some of that rain out my way, we could use it!

traci - fun in the puddles – i remember those days. i so love how you capture your kids doing all the fun stuff. i use to love to ride my bike in/and after a big rain.

Bethany - Ahhh…I miss the Kansas rains! Although – you have had one crazy spring and summer (all my family is still there!)!!
Cute pictures! Thanks for sharing!

Shanan - What great pictures! We haven’t had rain in months and I miss it.. the smell, how green it makes everything, and the kids playing in the puddles.

Leslie - You really do take fantastic pictures of everyday normal things. I love seeing your world through your lens. Great!

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