this is how i feel today.
mostly just the ax part.
and the kicking and punching part.
craig already made me cry over a shower enclosure choice this morning.
(why can't i have everything i want?)
and lauren made me cry over clothes.
and use the words turd and pissed in the same ranting paragraph.
lorel…maybe there is something wrong with me?
then i did what my mom always did…clean.
i cleaned the refrigerator.
craig did crack me up on the phone…through my tears.
he quoted Dwight from the Office….
"so you're PMS-ing pretty bad huh?"
i got some caffine chocolate therapy.
with an extra shot of espresso.
deep cleansing breaths.
counting to 10….
sorry to bring you down.
go look at the puppies again to cheer you up.
Rebecca R. - that clip?
says it ALL.
Rebecca R. - that clip?
says it ALL.
Stephanie - Oh, I laughed! Too funny! For real though – I do not have to take a pill. The last time I had a period was 22 months ago. Sounds crazy, huh? Everyone of my children are a miracle. I am lucky to have 3 periods a year. It’s great when you are not trying to have kids! Not so great when you want to get pregnant.
Liz - Oh Meg. Me too. Last week, very bad. Even when I know it’s coming… somehow that doesnt help. I’m surprised, depressed, pissy and crying anyway. So sorry.
Blanca - Okay I am crying from the laughter. That is absolutely the funniest I’ve seen in a while.
Jennifer P. - That commercial parody was just on SNL last night! Too funny! Although I found myself totally weighing the options of turning into a she-wolf once a year if it meant no aunt-Flo for the rest of the year. PMS-ing is the worst…
Hope the coffee and tears combo. did a little to calm your spirits. Hang in there!
Jenny - oh that link made me larf! thanks for that!! hope your feeling better
Liz - At least you got a clean fridge out of a crappy day. Sending soothing vibes your way!
traci - so glad your day got better. i hate those days. i think i had one this week too and i usually don’t. everyone of my family members were bothering me and they really didn’t do anything wrong. so i just took a long walk down and old gravel road, past a couple of calves who escaped from their farmyard and a billion wildflowers in the ditches and when i got back i felt so much better.
Lanny Stanard - Oh my goodness I’m laughing so hard… I no longer get PMS… I so very happy but when I did watch out. Hope you have a good week-end.
Jenn Thomas - That clip says it all! Russ even got a laugh out of it. He also wanted you to know that after seeing that clip he won’t complain about me again and my once of month issues.
Crystal - Sounds like something my husbands would say. He is away on a business trip at the moment…when he was about to hang up with me yesterday he said “Holla at you lata girl” in his best playa voice. THAT is my husband. (as I shake my head)
Sara - Meg, just checked in with you and if you talk to Lorel she’ll tell you I’ve had (and still have) lots of moments like those…mostly feeling like I- just – can’t-take-it -any-more and I just want to get in the car and drive far far away – maybe all the way to the ocean or something. Not quite Thelma and Louise style, but almost. I used to go shopping when I felt like that but its kind of hard with kids…so M&M’s are my friend, my little green,red,brown,blue and yellow friends. I just pray each time that it will pass, that I will wake up the next day and find that a big cup of coffee really is enough to get me through. PS. I think its the summertime thing too. Kids, lots of time to fill, constant battle over the tv. Ok, enough! I love you!
lorel - I am with you too – after telling you the other day that I thought I didn’t have PMS symptoms very often anymore! Last night, Kevin was walking up the stairs, and I was following. He stopped and turned around and I ran into him, and his elbow hit my eyebrow. I said, “that kind of hurts” and next thing I know I am bawling! He just hugged me, bewildered, and said “I’m sorry, you’re okay…”
Whatever… glad you made it through. We all do somehow.
Thanks for all the beautiful family posts you’ve been doing lately. They are just amazing. So glad you’re doing this.
jes - hi meg…

hope your saturday is happy and sweet.
i’m having a giveaway…might make you feel better…:)
p.s. i’m TRYING not to have one of those days right now…i have my son’s b-day party today! i’m always hormonal at the wrong times.
Leigh Ann - I am SOOO with you. It was one of those lonely, incredibly frustrating days for me too!!! Let’s hope the rest of the weekend is better.
meg duerksen - ok..craig’s worried you all may think he actually made me cry.

i thought it was obvious that if i was crying over a shower door then it was not him being mean but me being irrational.
he’s never mean.
he’s rational.
and not hormonal.
my day got better.
we are settling in for a movie now…kids are in bed….ahhhhhh.
i made it.
that drink was a java chiller…extra espresso.
it was gooooooooood.
thanks for the moral support.
Linda - I hear you…I am PMS-ing big time!! I feel frustrated, lonely, irritable, bored, overwhelmed, underwhelmed, and whiney!!
Surely you’re not that bad??!!
Diane - Just went through this. I get to a point where I almost can’t even be around myself. Then I think…hmmm…it’s almost that time! Then I feel so much better knowing it’s almost PMS time and it’s not that I’m a mean person. LOL
trish - I so feel your pain!!!
and that clip is freakin hilarious.
what was that from sonic that had a double shot in it?
we just got our first sonic in our town and it is still 20 minutes from my house, but maybe worth the drive?
deep breaths!
Meghan - Sorry you are having such a rough day. I know how you feel. But I have to say you blog is brilliant!
Leah - I think I know what your talking about! I had a nervous breakdown yesterday from buying a bed on craigslist that I ended up hating and it smelled like smoke! Thankfully, God blessed me with a great husband who held me as a cried (most of the night) and got the guy to take the bed back today. By the way… my tiny house is clean now too;)
PamperingBeki - It’s really your new stalker/blogger friend that’s bothering you, isn’t it? That’s what I thought.

Melissa's Cozy Teacup - For me, it’s usually a steak and a glass of wine that gets me through. Hang in there.
traci - pmsing stinks!!! Speaking of “The Office”, never watched it or cared to until my husband brought it home and begged me to just give it a try…I did and now we are HOOKED!!! I guess since our other show “Everybody Loves Raymond” is just reruns we now have our “new bonding show” The Office…who would have thunk
kristin - bless you.
and bless me.
i hear you.
Dayna - I am right there with you.
That drink from Sonic is looking MIGHTY good right about now.
Hi, I am a new reader to your blog. I love it! Nice to ‘meet’ you!