Masthead header

this makes for a good day


talby caught 2 toads at sean's golf lessons.

by herself.

which provides hours of entertainment…for us.

for the toads…not so much.

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he got away.
she was so nervous trying to catch him again…screaming and running.
i wish i had sound to go with this picture.


caught him!
back to the hello kitty bug box for you mr. toad.


that's just nasty.
but at least she's not a squeamish girly girl.


annie's toad is on the run again.


sean caught 2 more after golf.
we made a toad world in the dining room.


it's always a good day when toads are involved.
at least it seems to be true for me.

Diane - Incredible pictures. Scary toad.

melissa @ the inspired room - UNBELIEVABLE! Love that photo of your daughter kissing that frog. Even though it grosses me out, it is a magical fairytale photo! Frame it!

Mrs. Fox - Any princes yet?

Jilly - What a great day to spend a summer day, and it wasn’t even on the list!

Bethany - WOW! You have some GREAT shots there! Seriously!!! I am not so much into nature, but am “working on that” for my kids’ sake! I hate for them to go through life and never catch a toad (or lizard in our case!!) or have those great memories!! It is so sweet to see two such beautiful little girls playing with little critters!
Thanks for sharing!!

Bri - what are you going to feed these new toads of yours!?!?!? 🙂

Jennifer Peterson - You looked THRILLED to have a toad on your head :)! And the kitty bug box is priceless. THe poor male toad (he looks male to me…) was probably so embarassed that THAT’S why he kept trying to escape!
Loved all the photos!

Pattie - Your family is just so cute. I give you huge points for things you let them do. Bugs, snakes, lizards and frogs were not my cup of tea. When I used to sub, one of the teachers had a tarantula for the class pet. (goosebumps as I type the word) They had to move him out of the room before I would go in to teach. My daughter wanted to take it to 4th grade show and tell and she and Dad had to take it up to his office and then to school. I would have never been able to stay in the house with it there. You are such a good mom and you can really tell the kids get to experience everything with you. They are really lucky!

meghan - the picture of your daughter kissing the frog is just remarkable. talk about a picture saying a thousand words. it’s just a story waiting to happen. well, i love your blog. it’s one of my favorites to read although i don’t know how i stumbled upon it. now that i’m commenting i might as well tell you i love the pictures of your home too. keep up the good creative work, girl!

Jill - Wow! A frog day afternoon… love it. ~Jill 🙂

Suzanne - Hey there!
No, I just checked my “junk” box, and nothing there…sorry!! Thank you for doing that for me though…you’re too great!

Suzanne - what great shots…AGAIN!!
you have to comment on my blog what kind of camera & lens you have…they are always just incredible!
i’ve been looking at all the pictures of your house & craft room…your taste is AWESOME!! i wish you lived nearby so you could decorate my house! love it, love it!

April - Oh that was fun…I felt like I was there…screaming…and running…and stuffing toads in bug boxes…Great !!

Jim - there are a ton of toads every night in the summer hanging out around the church, up next to the building. Feel free to bring your tribe by if you want more 🙂 I’m talking BIG ones too!

Dana D @BoysMyJoys - oops! I meant “thank” you again!

Dana D @BoysMyJoys - Hey Meg!
We bought the pool! We love the pool!
Thank you for the info! I posted some photos on my blog today and linked back to you. Just wanted to let you know, and to than you again!
P.S. You are one strong gal putting that pool together yourself! Either that, or I am a complete and total weakling! Ha!

trish - Hey, I’ve been following your blog for a while, but have never commented (that I can remember!.
I LOVE that your girls are not afraid of catching those toads! They are so cute….the girls and the toads, but the girls are cuter!
I do love your blog. you are an amazing photographer and a very inspirational mom.
May I link you in my “favorite reads”?

Lanny Stanard - Okay, those toads are cute,I never thought I would say that Hmmm… And did you darken your hair I like it if you did or maybe it’s that picture!

Chaos-Jamie - Josiah went searching for toads today. It was a bust here. Maybe tomorrow. If the torrential rain didn’t wash them all away.

mallory Heffron - The picture of your little girl (almost) kissing the toad is way too cute. You need to save that for when she gets married you have that picture and a picture of her hubby and say that she kissed the toad and got her prince charming,,,,Can you tell I don't have girls….

Staci - How funny! I can just imagine the squealing involved! What a fun day!

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