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the summer list


this is what we have come up with to get excited for summer.

i am looking forward to all but 3 of these.  

and 2 of these will not be happening at all – dog and horse.

i'll let you try to figure out the 3rd one.

and now that's this is up in our kitchen 

we have come up with many other things we'd like to add.

we may have to make list #2 beside it.



this falls under crafts.

vegetable seeds - Makes it quite a bit alrounder and is great source of natural and rich vitamins.

בגדי מעצבים - Nice post shared by you. It’s interesting list of summer. I like it. I never found such a great and amazing content.

AJF 12 - Arm commentary might probably be all most suitable for some, but that is barely tepid. The majority of us within the weblog favor writing which is much less unfettered.
Following time, do not maintain again. Let us know what that you’re considering.

kamagra jelly - Why are some days in summer hotter than others?
I know about the Axis and how there is winter and summer, but why are some days in summer say 30c and other days 40c.

Nancy - Hey there. Found you via MotherLoad The MomAdvice. Love your summer list idea. I noticed that you have Chase County waterfall on your list. That’s in the town I grew up in! And it’s absolutely fabulous now that they’ve put some $$ into re-vamping the old bridge. While you’re there, you should at eat at the Emma Chase Cafe; good home-cookin’ and yummy pies. The Grand Hotel has fabulous food too; much more up-scale.

jessica - I just love summer lists. I made one a couple of weeks ago with my neighbor’s children for little things they want to do and make with me. Seeing as though summer vacation starts for me on thursday I need to get started on my summer list. Happy Summer!

Kathy - Thanks for the great idea! We made one, too. I posted the photos today.

Ann at mommysecrets - Very very fun!!

Shana - I’m with the zipline & driving for you – if it were my list, it would be the basement.
Trade driving for a dog – our’s is due next week (hint, hint). Goldendoodles!!

Beth/Mom2TwoVikings - Zipline or driving lessons?

almost mrs. h - I’ll take *teach Lauren to drive* for $1000, Alex!

melissa @ the inspired room - That is cute, we need to make one of those. I just wrote about this horrible confession at CWO, but we used to make big lists like this and end up spending most of the summer doing yard work instead. pathetic. our ways have changed, however. Bring on the lists, we are DOING them this year.

julie - Best idea ever! I am making our family one. I love it!

traci - what a wonderful idea – i don’t want to wish the summer by, but i can’t wait to see if you get it all checked off.
i am guessing that the garage sale or cleaning the basement.

mallory Heffron - I love that idea of the list….what a great way to start the summer off…..

Liz - Wow, that’s one heck of a list! So cheerful, I’m inspired to make one of my own.

Beth - Great list! I’m also inspired to make one with my kids. What a good mom to let them list things like the horse and dog even though you know it won’t happen 🙂 Keeps them happy for awhile anyway!

Lori Eurto - Lists are fun!
Awww, girls after my own heart! GO BEADERS!!

Staci - Oh Wow! You’ve inspired me to make a list! Or can my family just come to your house for the Summer 🙂 Good luck with it all!

Jennifer Peterson - Now my kids want to make a summer to-do list. And getting a dog was their very first request–even after I told them you weren’t really getting one.
Love the picture of Annie in the pool, and the funny hairdo story.

kristin - oh, i need a list like that in my house. call us when you sell cupcakes. : )

amy d - why don’t you just enroll Lauren in driving school and let some one else feel your pain 🙂
and what, no horse?

carissa - loving your list… what a great idea… really great for the kids!
so up my Campbell’s alley… she’d LOVE it… might need to steal that! 🙂 okay?
teaching Lauren to drive… yikes… your 3rd thing… i’m guessing!

candy - Can we come spend the summer with ya’ll? You are SUCH a fun mom!! I love the big chart, that is a super idea. I have this little bitty list made out in the kitchen drawer and it doesn’t consist of nearly the fun things on your list!

Kimba - Great list! I want to come stay at your house for the summer. 😉

amy - I’m guessing teach Lauren to drive. It better not be the garage sale. 🙂

mom - I’m so glad that going to Grandmas made the list! Bring it on!

Crystal - Dear Meg,
Why OH WHY can’t you live next door to me!? We would have so much fun and be great friends! I just know we would!
Have fun! I’m going to make my own chart now!:)
Love, Crystal

Kristin - Great list! My guess is the basement or teaching Lauren to drive!!

traci - I would guess teaching Lauren to drive would be a BIG dreader for me if I was a mom OR having my own garage sale…I hate doing my own!! I think teaching a moody teen to drive would beat the garage sale
Im kinda surprised you dont have a dog or want a dog. I said no for a long, long time, finally gave in but had very specifics on what kind of dog to get…short haired (little shedding), short legs (cant jump fence) and LONG bassetts…Boomer is our best friend now and couldnt live without him!!!

Lee Ann - Oh thanks for the motivation! i feel like my life is on hold…waiting for my house to be sold, but if I don’t make a list the summer will be gone!…..and I’m guessing teaching Lauren to drive 🙂

April - oh…what a super idea…do you all do this every Summer…make the cute little chart?? Love love love it….you will keep us abreast of the progress…right ??
have a happy day

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