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a few days



look what we learned from emily.
she makes everything look like fun.
i get at least one great idea every week.
my kids loved the cooked-on designs.
craig made me a $ sign “cause you’re so money”
hee hee hee




we took the kids for pizza.
does it look gross?
it was.
as they all were going bonkers in the car on the way home
craig said “remind me again why we take them out to eat.”



annie got to play with friends all morning.
they are such creative little girls.
their moms don’t let them watch much tv…
i wonder if that’s related to how imaginative they are?
(i will pretend i didn’t notice that.)



we had a beautiful spring evening.
sunset is my favorite time of day.
the glow of the sun just makes everything yellow.
our poor bunny.
annie loves on him more than he would like…
but i think he’s happy to be out of his cage at the same time.


birthday gifts came in the mail.
craig’s new ties from the tie bar.
(great online source for ties…btw)
he has to wear a suit everyday so he gets excited about this.
then we even had a rare 10 minutes where our daughter was speaking to us.
(and even smiling and being silly)
she asked “how do you tie one of those?”
she got a lesson from a pro.
and had to take a self portrait (1 of 100 that day i’m sure)




photo by annie.

melissa @ the inspired room - Wait, you have a bunny? My son wants a bunny. And a gerbil. I don’t care for rodents. But I could love me a bunny. Should we get one?

Chaos-Jamie - Great pic of you two! Annie has talent!

Allikayes Mama - Once again, your photos belong in magazines! You ARE money, girl!!

Jilly - I love the picture of daughter and dad. That is one that should be framed for sure. Just the sweetest. I love all that you do! Thanks for bringing the corners of my lips up today!

Mrs. Fox - 🙂 We made pancakes on Saturday too. Poor bunny makes me think of the old Warner Brother’s cartoon with the Abominable Snowman: “I will hug him and love him and call him George.”

Jennifer P. - Oh Meg–how I’ve missed looking at your blog for the past week. I’ve been kind of wrapped up in learning life lessons and the sort, but as soon as I popped in here and looked at your beautiful photography–everything just seemed happy! Thanks for having the eye you do!

Jill (One Wired Woman) - My favorite photo is dad breaking out the old “Windsor Knot 101” with daughter… That really is a sweet picture. She is a very pretty young lady. ~Jill

emily loria - Thanks for the kudos Meg! That picture of you and your hubby is so nice! Your eyes are glowing!

traci - the picture of you and your husband is adorable. blow that baby up!!! pancakes looks very yummy – what a cute idea to initial them.

traci - OK, I had no idea you had a bunny. what are the negatives about having one? My daughter wants one and I just dont think it is a pratical family pet…am I wrong?
Looks like a fabulous weekend…and you got bonus excitement when your daughter was talking to My oldest daughter is approaching that “age” but she isnt there yet. We are still VERY TALKATIVE but rarely says things I find appropriate or amusing..OH FUN.
Great mommy/daddy picture by annie

Crystal - Cuuute!!! You all are so CUTE! Love the look on that little bunny! 🙂 Now I will have to post the daisy eggs we use for breakfast sandwiches… 🙂

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