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naughty baby

she’s back….


let me set the scene.

we host a small group bible study in our home each sunday night.
10 adults and 14 kids when they all show up.
people begin showing up at 6:15.
i start cleaning and cooking around 4:3o every sunday.

halfway into making some cheese dip
i realize i don’t have as much cheese as i thought.
i ask my neighbor and take her $4 worth of cheese (which i will replace).
i go back and continue cooking and cleaning.
also the KU game is on so i am getting help only at time-outs.
(he said he cleaned while i took a long nap so he is spared my anger)
i do the dishes, wipe the counters, vaccum and cook simultaneously.
it’s now 6:10.

annie walks into the kitchen covered in yellow paint.
i yelled asked “what did you do?!”
she was nervous but answered “i paint in da cwraft woom”
i said “talby go see and give me a report.”
talby came back with big eyes and said “mom…it’s BAD!”


besides the tv also the rug, the ottoman, a chair, the ironing board,
a suitcase, a cabinet and of course the floor were all wearing yellow paint.
i asked talby to run a bath for annie.
i wiped up what paint i could…which wasn’t much.
got to the bath and she’d filled it all the way up with ice cold water.
annie is screaming from guilt and from anger over the cold bath.
i drained it half and added hot.
i stuck back annie in the bathtub and said “DON’T GET OUT!”
we put lauren in charge of finishing that problem.


it’s now 6:17.
i look outside and 2 cars are in my driveway.
i am sweaty.
the cheese dip is not made. 🙂
talby yells through the downstairs bathroom door
“mom…there is no toilet paper”
i remember at that moment we are now completely out of toilet paper.

i take a moment to breathe.
i tell my guests what has happened and we laugh.
i send craig to another neighbor’s for toilet paper.
i make lemonade and the dip.

annie comes down clean in her jammies
and what else can you do but forgive and put the paint up so high
she can never get in it again?

naughty naughty baby.

Melissa - Oh, you have no idea how I needed a good dose of perspective when you wrote this. But now I have received one, and I thank you. Holy moley.

Jenny Pocknall - Oh dear!. I think I would have cried.

Tiffany - Oh my! I think the toilet paper, or lack there-of, would have been the last straw for me, I would have lost it, big time. Way to go on keeping your cool! lol

Chaos-Jamie - That’s what you get for hosting small group! (We’ve hosted for years, so I say that in perfect confidence and with no indicator that you should stop!)
No kidding, those cherubs seem to conspire against us.

Gini - Imagine my surprise when after having two perfect angels (questionable at times…) that my third would be the exact opposite. He has a love of all-things-magic-marker and when he gets his hands on one – LOOK OUT. Shame on me for not keeping an eye on him better. At least for the most part the marker washes off, how about the paint?

emily loria - Ohhhhhhhhhhh no! Gotta love kids.
The good ol saying “can’t have anything nice” comes to mind.

mom - Isn’t it amazing that Talby didn’t do much of the Naughty Baby things! Maybe it’s that your house is so big, that she could be anywhere doing anything!
I laughed very hard at all of this. It is definitely “reality blogging.”

chris - Oh my goodness wow, she sure keeps you on your toes, she should be an easy teenager.

traci - oh my – but then you see her sweet face in the first picture with tears in her eyes and you just melt. i just think she is going to take after her mommy in the creative department and she is starting early.

danelle - Why is it that things like that happen always when company is coming over or already there?? You handled it well!

Queenie Bee - oh. my. goodness! What a sweet little ray of sunshine …sharing her favorite color for all the world to see and enjoy! 😉 I just pray that it was tempra and not acrylic! LOL! Thanks for sharing! It truly is a funny little story and warrants a two page spread in the scrapbook!

Sara - Meg – I think its the curse of the creative types. You just tend to have a lot of “stuff” laying around that just begs to be used in large quantities. Can you say Glitter glue? hee hee.

carissa - bless your heart!
will be a good memory… now that it is in the past!
we tend to have chaos hit before company too! some of our (my husband & I) biggest arguments occur then too! 🙂
hope it all came clean!

Laura T. - Oh my GOD. It sounds like you stayed pretty calm, and I don’t know how you did it. I don’t even know what I would have done in that situation.

melissa @ the inspired room - Ha, laughing at the evening you had. I’ve totally been there. So funny to look back on! I’m finally over it. LOL!
Funny funny girl. Naughty baby indeed!

Pattie - I can’t help it…. I love her! That look on her face is priceless. I would have loved a picture of Talby’s face when she came out of the craft room.
She needs a playhouse in the back yard to paint any way she wants.
At least she’s still breathing – that says alot about you!!!!

Lee Ann - And I thought I have a crazy time getting ready for bible study. I have YET to experience anything like that. I’m so glad you remembered to breathe!

Crystal - Oh my…that post had my smiling and laughing and gasping and wanting to BEG you for more pics of her handy work…
how can I post today…there is no topping that! 🙂

Melanie - Oh My! I was reading the post and scrolling down and when I got to the picture of the paint on the tv, I put my hand up to my mouth! YIKES! It has been so long since I had a little one that you forget how much trouble they can get into. She is adorable though:)

Kate of All Trades - Ha! I love that naughty baby. But of course that isn’t my craft room she painted yellow.

kristin - i am relieved that e wasn’t there that day, yikes. it would have been worse.
and yes, i would like that orange desk. please.

jerusalem - what a real life story that is! my youngest is the “artist” in the family and I am always finding little bits of his handiwork on furniture and walls….

traci - bless your sweet, patient, patient heart. WOW, she really did have a fun time in yellow paint!!! I had to completely crack up at going to the neighbors house for toilet paper!!!

Lanny Stanard - Megan, I’m so sorry but I’m laughing my head off,see I don’t have kids!!!!!
That’s all I have to say. Hugs! Lanny.

Allikayes Mama - Wow! No one could have handled all that better than you – I’m sure! I’m taking pointers! Yes, I am a new mom, but I am still working on how to handle stressful situations like that! I do love how you write though – I feel like I’m right there with ya! Also, thanks sosososo much for your traveling advice! You are great! And the suggestions are on my list!!

cynthia - oh goodness!
i would have WANTED to really get her…i know you did!
but what’s a mom to do….while dad is sitting there watching the game (just had to add that!)
i would have been completely stressed!

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