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good stuff

**thank you for all the love you gave me over my dirty house.
you understand me…and some of you you are messy too!
i was right…craig was totally embarrased.
he is neat and tidy…unlike his creative, messy, sanguine wife.
and that ‘s why we are great together? maybe.
and now i am moving on…

my mom and i did some antique shopping.
it’s our favorite.


i loved this display of old cameras!


i came home with this scale.
the little graphics are so vintagey and way-rite!



this fan is now mine.
it has no insides anymore…it’s just for looks.




and i got this too.
it will have a new life as my bathroom vanity…
whenever we make a new bathroom.
i can’t decide if i am going to paint it…leave it or what.
i will keep you posted.
thank you mom for finding it…and for such a steal!


i thought of ms. kristin when i saw this orange desk.
i left it there for you.


this was a wall at starbucks.
people have scratched so many words in the wall paper
that now it looks like a real piece of art.
it gave starbucks kind of an artsy feel…instead of a mass-market-feel.
(starbucks i still love you even though you only love me for my money)

after the antiques we tortured ourselves
by taking my 13 yr. old clothes shopping….UGH.
annie got the best end of the deal.


she’s watching backyardigans at american eagle.

melissa @ the inspired room - Oh, yay, I love the new bathroom vanity! I’ll have to send you a pic (when I get one) of the vanity we did for the beach house. It was a buffet (not an antique though) before it was a vanity!
Can’t wait to see the progress!

traci - wow, you got some great things. looks like some great shops. i am in need of some new antique shops to frequent. can’t wait to see where you put everything.

Dana D - OH WOW! I think my grandmother has the exact same piece of furniture as your future bathroom vanity. It’s part of her dining room set! She stores her table linens in the drawers. I’m making a mental note to take a good look at hers next time I go visit! (And if I can remember, I might even send you a picture or two!)

traci - Ok, Im so not a jelous person but I am JELOUS you have a gorgeous vanity for your bathroom that isnt really a bathroom vanity but WORKS!!! I have wanted to do that forever but my bathroom isnt big enough….anyhow, I love it!! Like I said before, your house might get messy but its so stinking gorgeous WHO CARES!!!

Melanie - Meg,
I just love your blog. It makes me happy to read it. You also take great pictures. I am very organized (a little anal) and love to decorate my house and cook but I am not creative like you. I love that you are a free spirit and don’t let things like the house (and laundry) get to you. That, I can’t do. I guess you could say I am more like your husband. I have only one child, a boy, (13) so I can’t say we have a ton in common but I could so see being your friend if we lived closer. I am in sunny Fl. (in the 80 degree weather) but if I were closer, I would love to go to Barnes & Noble together. (that, we do have in common) Anyway, thanks for the smile I get everyday from reading your blog. Keep it up!

Crystal - Love the cameras…I have a nice little collection myself…totally jealous of the scales AND the fan! I am dying for yardsales here!!!
9 1/2, anything Jane Austin (does that make me sound old….), anything starbucks and dunkin donuts…..and I live for polka dots…not that you asked the last one. 🙂
beautiful post. as always!

Lanny Stanard - Megan, love the vintage stuff. I also have a scale, I mainly use it at christmas time I put a wrapped gift on it. Hope you are having a great week-end.
Hugs! Lanny

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