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green dress

i was wrong….
it fits!




i put it on…poofed my hair and smiled for the camera.
lauren took the pictures.
do you like the arsty one at the end?

i don’t think i will wear this to church next week…
but i love that i can actually fit into it.
grandma do i look like you did?

traci - you look wonderful it that dress. how sweet that your grandma gave it to you. you and your husband need another date night – wear it proud girl – you look fabulous.

Jilly - I cannot tell you how much I love love love that dress on you! WAY too cute! Your hair, the bag, the shoes, you! TOO CUTE!

mrslimestone - Very chic 🙂

meg duerksen - thank you girls for all the happy comments.
i love the feel of the dress…but i think if i wore it out i would seriously risk ripping it in half. it fits but it’s snug across my hips and if i sat down in it who knows what might happen. could be considered lewd behavior…
my mom commented and wants everyone to know it was very early 70’s not 50’s or 60’s when she got married. 🙂
if i was one size smaller or it was one size bigger…i love the idea of jeans under it and head out to party.
and teh family portrait idea is a riot!
our foyer color…is the same as in our old house so i have it memorized and i don’t even have to go look.
it’s Behr paint and it’s called Salted Ash. i have no idea why it’s called that..
but it’s a great color. i think you have to actually ask for it. we didn’t see it in the books but it was in the computer. it’s very pea green.
have a great night ladies!

lulu sparkles - lovin your ‘do & dress !

grandma - Meg. You look wonderful in the green dress. So glad you like it.
It was a fun visit.
I have eaten all but two slies of the bread from the “bread stick”. Glad I don’t live near that place.
Love you

Andria - Meg,
I love the dress. You rock girl!!!! P.S. Is it cheeky to ask what the pea green color paint is called in your foyer?
Love your blog as always.

Kate of all Trades - How fun, the pictures are cute. I’m sure your grandkids will enjoy these later. The dress will live on!

Tiffany - LOL that would be chic, not sheek! ooops…

Tiffany - LOVE IT!!! So retro and sheek and it matches the shoes perfectly, I am jealous….

amy d - love the hair!!!!!!!!! you crack me up 🙂 i think you should dress the whole family like that for a family portrait.

Queenie Bee - I think this calls for a girlfriends party…you wear this dress, and they wear dresses equally cool. It would be the funnest ev-er…just wish I lived close enough!

jerusalem - That is too great! To bad real life doesn’t have “Spirit Days” where you can dress up for a theme. That would be great for 60’s day or a Grease theme! What fun!

gabrielle - you look totally adorable!! that dress is amazing…I remember one time putting on on of my Moms dresses..she had a 20 inch waist..I fit in it when I was 15 but had to stuff the bra….

amy - love it.

Lee Ann - Oh my goodness! I love the whole look. You’ve got to find someplace to wear that…out in public.

cynthia - i think you can pull it off….especially with the hair!
and i loved that you had a purse to “fit” as well.
how fun!

Mom - Ouch that hurts! It is not 50’s – it’s 70’s.
It looks adorable. If I had a scanner, I’d scan the picture of Grandma wearing it so you could see that you look a lot like her. You need her green shoes though.
Great shots Lauren!

Jennifer P. - I think you look just like Mary Tyler Moore! SO cute! I agree you have to go out in it at least once. I’d throw jeans on under it, do your hair like you normally would–and just be retro-chic like crazy :)!
Great photography Lauren! You may have a future in fashion!

Sarah Keith - Oh! So 50’s LOVE!!!!!! That dress is FUN! I love it!

carissa - that is the best! very special! that dress is vintage class couture at it’s best!
you not only put it on, but you really did it right! did your grandma see you in it? how fun… how pretty… really!

jessi nagy - aaahh you look so cute! so retro! i love it!

jeanetta - too cute! you look so amy winehouse.

Andrea - Oh that dress! I was going to comment yesterday asking if you’d have to change the dress or your body to make it fit. I’m so glad you didn’t have to do either. It is SO cute!
I say take it out on the town! At least once!

traci - Dont you just LOVE IT when you think something wont fit and walla ….IT FITS???
love it…
ya know, with your normal hair, some long beads you could pull it off.
Your so cute

Crystal - Ok, I promise to stop stalking your comments but…that is SO CUTE!!!!! OMG you are totally a blast from the past in that gem!! 🙂

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