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yesterday was a sunny happy day.

very little fighting between children in the morning.

had a good workout…got to watch Steel Magnolias on the treadmill.
the beginning – not the bawl your eyes out ending.
“miss truvy i promise you it will not affect my ability to do good hair.”
the woman who works out like a sweaty maniac with the machine banging
like she is about to break it was not there…that is always nice.

got some groceries without children.

my grandma came over with goodies and took us to lunch.
anytime i can have coconut cream pie in the middle of the day is a good day.

it was nice outside.
everyone is nicer and happier with some time outside.

craig came home early from being gone for 2 days in california.
he brought me coffee.
(it’s official…he loves me.)

movie night all together on the couch…cuddled up…watching Matilda.
i love that movie. it was cute to see annie and talby so nervous.
you have to have your kids watch that movie.

ok..enough words.
look what annie and i found at the antique store!


it’s a bit crazy looking…
but is the prefect fit for the playroom or the girl’s bedroom.
someone worked hard on it (in the 70’s).



i don’t think i will leave it as a wall hanging
probably make it into a very big pillow.
it looks like it was made to go with these fabrics!

one of the things my grandma brought me…


this is the dress she wore to my parents wedding.
i think it was so beautiful.
she made it herself.
it won’t fit me…but i like to look at it.
but it’s special that i have it now to keep.


ok…now i have to go help my kids clean.
it’s saturday…time for chores.
i dread these 2 hours of my week with a passion.

Jenny Pocknall - My kids love Matilda. They hide behind their hands, or come and peek from where ever I might be.
That embroidery is divine. It definitely goes with that fabric.
Love the dress. I remember finding some of my Mum’s dresses from when she was at college. It was when I was at highschool, and they didn’t come anywhere near fitting me then. Her waist must have been so tiny!!

Jennifer P. - What finds! I know you’ll do something amazing with the picture turned pillow!
I have my mom’s prom dress and love to just pull it out and look at it. Glad you’ve got a dress to do that with now too :).
Hope you make it through the next 2 days alright. Being husband-less is never fun–at least I don’t like it. But, what a kind coffee send-off!

Crystal - Lovely!!!

emily loria - That needle work will make a lovely pillow. So cute!
That dress is soooooo neat!

chris - What beautiful colors looking forward to the pillow, and that dress, how wonderful and fun.

traci - Number one fav. thing…kids getting along
Number two fav. thing…fab. thrift store find
Number three fav. thing.. sentamental/gorgeous hand me down!! All in one day…HOW did you handle it???

Andrea - LOVE that dress!
And I cannot WAIT to see the fabric and pillow combinations.

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