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check out my cutie pie niece!





morgan…i get you.
i understand 100% that need to perform and that love for CHEER.
i was a cheer addict.
if i could’ve have done this when i was 10 i would’ve loved it as much as you do.
i used to watch cheer competitions on ESPN all the time.
and you know…those cheers will be in your head for decades.
just last night i did a cheer (with actions) in my kitchen for lauren.
she said “Oh my gosh…i hope no one drives by and sees you doing this”
i think that meant she loved it.

keep working on your tumbling…you’ll never regret it.
(unless you hurt yourself…..don’t do that, ok?)
i would love to say “i used to be able to a back hand spring”
but i can’t…so you do it for me.

love you mor-gee!

kim in Camas - ScrapToMyLu - oooh, I was a cheerleader……Queen! Not just head, but queen. LOL I loved cheering. She looks like she’s having fun.
So much to catch up on here. You don’t like bacon? Who doesn’t like bacon? Good grief. 🙂

Jennifer P. - I cheered for 2 years and then did Drill Team all through high school. I can still do the splits both ways. I’m so cool. Just don’t tell that to my children who die when I do the running man and the Roger Rabit and all the other Bust-a-Move moves that were once cool :)!
What a cute niece! You can tell she’s really in her element. Cheering is getting so competitive now–and younger and younger kids too! Whew!

Gini - My niece is a 10 year old cheerleader. I love looking at photo’s of their meets because all the expressions are priceless/hysterical!!!

Mom - Morgan is beautiful – looks like so much fun for her.
Remember – that since you couldn’t cheer at 10, you danced! Those dance classes kept you very happy and performing! You were a natural.

carissa - she is way too cute! i love her face in the third shot… priceless!
take Houston by storm!
i attempted a herkie the other day… could barely get off the ground… was not cute!

Brenis - Your neice is darling! LOLOLOL am busting a gut at the comment the Lauren made, and the beautiful fact that you don’t let it get to you! I think I do that to my 17 year old son on purpose occasionally, just to see his reaction! 😛
Yay for you having such a WONDERFUL friend filled weekend!! What a great boost to be around those you love, and laugh non stop! 😀

Shannon Davis - She does LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! She has nationals this weekend in Houston. Thanks for the cute post. I can’t wait to show it to her 🙂 Tell the kids HI from Aunt Shannon

traci - WOW…you can tell by her facial expressions she loves to cheer!!! She is a cutie. I have one who could care a less about cheer and one who would do it in a new york minute…

chris - We don’t do the cheering here in Canada like the states , but I wish I had been brave enough to join cheerleading in high school, I think it would have been fun.It is quite a sport.

chris - We don’t do the cheering here in Canada like the states , but I wish I had been brave enough to join cheerleading in high school, I think it would have been fun.It is quite a sport.

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