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bonus weekend




i had the best weekend.
jenny got into kansas on thursday night.
when she walked n the door….
she had our other best girlfriend lisa with her too!
they were so sneaky not to tell me she was coming.
awesome surprise.
i was so happy.

i took them to all the best places.


we cooked together.



they cleaned for me.
i kept them well hydrated…



they played with my kids.
we went out.


but we mostly stayed in and talked and laughed.
so much laughing.
staying up past 3 AM…
we felt like we were college girls.

then when it was time to go home
the airline called and jenny’s flight was cancelled!
lisa made her plane but i got to keep jenny one more night.
it rocked.

we moved away just after annie was born but our other children grew up
with these 2 women (and their husbands)
in their lives every monday night for 7 years straight.
they were at all their birthday parties…
they baby sat them…
they prayed for them…
they were there when annie took her first breath.
i love them both with my whole heart.


oh the memories.
and the laughter.

Jennifer P. - So happy for you! Good friends just make a happy life all the better. Glad you had such a memorable weekend!

traci - so glad you had a wonderful weekend with your girlfriends. they are so important!!!

cynthia - how neat to have such wonderful friends…

carissa - that is the best!
I love how with best friends you can just pick up right where you left off!

traci - I dont have a whole slew of friends just about 3 that I simple could not breathe without and qualify in my book as SISTERS! I think that is what you are talking about with your friends and the cherry on top is when you actually really, really love your own birth sister to pieces….I adore mine too.
looks like so much fun and hey, true friends can even have a BLAST at

chris - Sounds wonderful. Good friends.

Kate of all Trades - How fun! Girlfriends are such a blessing!

Liz - How fun, you have lovely friends. Wal-Mart and drinks? That’s my idea of a very good time!

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