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i’m trying to find color everywhere.
it’s fun…you should try it.









it’s really everywhere you look.
so thankful for that.

Jimaie - you are SUCH an incredible fotog!!!!!

kari & kijsa - Those are the most beautiful photographs….just wanted to stop by and say thank you…thank you…thank you for all of your sweet comments on my birthday (and happy birthday to your sister too)!
Have a blessed and wonderful day!
smiles, kari & kijsa

kari & kijsa - Those are the most beautiful photographs….just wanted to stop by and say thank you…thank you…thank you for all of your sweet comments on my birthday (and happy birthday to your sister too)!
Have a blessed and wonderful day!
smiles, kari & kijsa

Gini - Love your blog – I have a link to you from mine actually. I check you out everyday to get my splash of color! Thank you for that. Being the type A personality I am, got the camera, no time or desire to read the manual on how to get great photos like you – I am jealous for sure. As far as the Cottage Living style – Love it but was more appropriate when we lived on the East Coast not here in the desert!!! My husband is grateful for that, I bet.

Mrs. Fox - Fantastic! Love the pins. I need some of those.

Mrs. Fox - Fantastic! Love the pins. I need some of those.

carissa - woo hoo… cheerful & chipper! thanks for the beauty!

chris - Good morning , I have a question , would you mind sharing with me the color of your great room /kitchen walls, I am thinking I need to warm up the colors in my kitchen family room , I am looking for a nice cream shade. After living with the dark brown in my bedroom I have decided it is not for me, I will do a more soft grey tone, good thing I did just one wall and a test wall for that matter.
Thank you

kristin - i love this.
i’ve started sets of colors that i want to do something with…maybe a calendar…anyway, i am with you on this color thing!

mom2fur - What a fun idea! Looking for color is sure a great way to cheer up in the middle of winter!

traci - great color. you always find beautiful color. i am going to try that!! enjoy your sunday!

Jenny Pocknall - Great photos again. Is the top one the top of a bird cage?

Jennifer Peterson - You could also play the “guess what this is” game–I’m stumped on the first one. I love the color combos. Cottage Living puts together on its spines too.

chris - Your photos are so cheerful, thanks I needed that . I don’t think we get Cottage Living ,sad.

Sarah Keith - Oh Fun!

traci - Im in and your in kansas. Our two sister states pretty much mirror each others weather sooooo you must be looking for color because its COLD and cloudy.

Crystal - Just wanted to say that I LOVE your blog and have added a link from my own…I hope that is ok. 🙂 Very inspiring and beautiful!! 🙂 Have a wonderful day!! 🙂

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