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happy birthday!!!


my big sister…
my only sister….
my favorite sister…
my artsy sister….
my super smart sister…
my loving sister…

is having a birthday today.
i love you lorel.
i wish i could be with you on your birthday.
i hope you have the best time tonight!
i am so glad you are my sister.
i love being your little sister.
you taught me so much….mostly good stuff.

happy birthday.

Jennifer Peterson - Thought the same thing about Annie and Talby too! What a similarity!!!

traci - happy birthday to your sister. what a sweet post. very cute picture of you two.

Queenie Bee - No way!!! We’re celebrating a birthday in our house today as well!!!! Happy birthday to your sister!!! I love my big brother, but I always wished for a sister. You’re so blessed to have her, I just know it.

carissa - awe… sisters… the best! sweet wish!

traci - I Agree that picture of you sitting there looks just exactly like annie and talby!!!! At least they know they will grow up and be VERY PRETTY.
I have a sister also whom I adore. One of my favorite things to do is call her and say…Hey, how is my FAVORITE SISTER? She will laugh and reply…”Funny, since Im your ONLY sister”….I wouldnt trade her for all the money in the world!!!

lorel - Thanks for saying all those nice things about me Meg! That photo is one of my favorites. Can’t you just feel the humidity on that summer porch? I remember that outfit too. It was aqua blue terrycloth with orange and pink knit trim. I don’t remember what color yours was-maybe lime green?, but it was all one-piece (and also terrycloth), so you had to completely undress when going to the bathroom. I am so glad they stopped making those! My birthday is not exactly how I thought it would be – we are at home for our second snow day in a row. Maya was sick yesterday, and I thought I would have to cancel everything. But she is doing better now, and so I think we are still going out tonight after all. Love you so much! Lorel

Dana D - Oh my heavens, Annie and Talby must be little clones of you! When I first saw the photo of you and your sister, I thought I was looking at a picture of one of them!

Mom - Yes, Lorel, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
That is such a funny picture of both of you. Love it!
Did Jenny make it to Kansas?

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