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Q is for quilt


i think it is the greatest place to be.
this week they got to bring their blankies for cuddling during story time.
they opened the window so they could get really cozy.
isn’t that so sweet?


for circle time they sat on a quilt.
i watched for awhile because i love to hear them interact with ms. kristin.
their voices and their answers are adorable.



when i came back to get annie
ms. kristin was giving rides on the “quilt express”…
pulling the quilt down the hall with kids on it.

i just love preschool.

Jennifer Peterson - That’s why I decided to homeschool my kids. I thought EVERY grade should be as fun as preschool!

Tammy Fischer - You’re so right…it’s the best…I still remember it like it was just, um, a few years ago. I awarded you the “You Make My Day” award today. Feel free to stop by my blog and then pass it on to a few of your friends! XO XO XO

traci - I taught preschool for years and loved every single day of it!!! Kids say and do the funniest, silliest, cutest things…even when they are being difficult sometimes I had to hold back laughter. In my opinion most preschool teachers do not get the respect they deserve….however you certainly do appreciate yours! Thanks for sharing..

kristin - well, you just made my day. i love seeing preschool from another perspective
funny, when i first saw your post title, i thought: oh, it’s q week at preschool, too!

Queenie Bee - Preschool IS the funnest place to be!!! Thanks for sharing your pix. I taught preschool music for several years until I decided to homeschool my own children this year. It truly was the funnest job I’ve ever had! I think I’ll go get out my parachute now… 🙂

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