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baby shower


baby london finally got her shower.
we tried to have this shower in october before she was born.
london had other plans.
now that she is 3 months old…
she was ready to party.


my neighbors helped me host this pink party.
we had chocolate fondue and fruit
and lots of little girlie pink snacks.
london’s aunt brought a pretty pink cake.







all of her presents waiting to be opened.


jen….london’s mama.
london is so lucky to have you as her mommy.
i hope she always knows how much she was wanted
and how cherished she is.
she is a precious gift from God.
you are so blessed.


she woke up.
she couldn’t miss her whole party.



baby stuff is always so fun to open.
(and buy….and look at…and touch)


i got to hold her too!



pink everywhere.
amy made this absolutely adorable diaper cake.
it is built out of diapers and covered in blankets, washcloths & ribbon.
it was so cute.



jen i am so glad we could celebrate london with you.
i look forward to watching her grow up.
we love her and we love you.

meg duerksen - hi ladies.
finally getting around to answering your questions.
the pink marshmallows are Jet-puffed strawberry flavor. i get them at walmart. they also have chocolate (they tast just like hot cocoa…seriously) i also saw a bag of them in the section of mexican foods with a spanish label. they had white and pink i the same bag.
the food was chocolate fondue with fruit…brownie bites…creampuffs (frozen section at sam’s)…pink candy and pink wafer cookies…
the wands were just for decoration.
if i had started decorating earlier i would’ve have tried to hang them on ribbon from the ceiling but i ran out of time.
they were from hobby lobby in the princess party seciton.
my serving pieces are all a mix of things from my grandmothers…neighbors…antique stores…garage sales.
we would’ve had a pink drink but what we had planned turned out to be as dark as tea. so we served that and lemonaid.
and i was out of pink lemonaid!
typical me.
thanks for all the nice compliments ladies.

karla nathan - So pretty, I loved the wands in the champagne bucket!

karla nathan - So pretty, I loved the wands in the champagne bucket!

Cheryl - I just found your blog today and I must say I LOVE your style! I bookmarked it for baby shower reference!!! Would you mind posting a list of all your goodies? like others mentioned I’d love to know where you got pink marshmallows, and what’s on the dish underneath the little chocolate brownies? What did you do with the wands? were they just for decoration? I LOVE all of your serving pieces too!! the flowers in the vase of marshmallows was too cute!!!
Oh, and we can’t forget what a BEAUTIFUL baby London is!! What a very lucky family!
Have a sweet weekend!

Cheryl - I just found your blog today and I must say I LOVE your style! I bookmarked it for baby shower reference!!! Would you mind posting a list of all your goodies? like others mentioned I’d love to know where you got pink marshmallows, and what’s on the dish underneath the little chocolate brownies? What did you do with the wands? were they just for decoration? I LOVE all of your serving pieces too!! the flowers in the vase of marshmallows was too cute!!!
Oh, and we can’t forget what a BEAUTIFUL baby London is!! What a very lucky family!
Have a sweet weekend!

Cheryl - I just found your blog today and I must say I LOVE your style! I bookmarked it for baby shower reference!!! Would you mind posting a list of all your goodies? like others mentioned I’d love to know where you got pink marshmallows, and what’s on the dish underneath the little chocolate brownies? What did you do with the wands? were they just for decoration? I LOVE all of your serving pieces too!! the flowers in the vase of marshmallows was too cute!!!
Oh, and we can’t forget what a BEAUTIFUL baby London is!! What a very lucky family!
Have a sweet weekend!

Katarina - Hi. I found your blog today and you have a great blog! I love this post,bcause you are showing everybody that party can be healthy! Thank you for that.Have a nice weekend and sorry for my bad english.. 🙂

Angela (Cottage Magpie) - What a beautiful shower! Very pretty and London is a beautiful baby. Thanks for participating in the pink challenge!
~Angela 🙂

Jenny Pocknall - I love the cake and all the pink.
Adorable bub too.

chris - Would you please humor me on a side note, I am noticing the mouldings above either a window or door to the left of the kitchen run, it reaches to the ceiling , would you take a full picture of that area for me to get a good look at , I have two windows in my family room that are screaming for something more , and you may hold the answer.
Please ,

amy - Chocolate peanut butter ice cream with bananas and chocolate syrup? Now I love you even more, Jenn! 🙂

michelle - What a beautiful baby shower! Everything looks so yummy!
I remembered that you had posted a picture of your church tea where you hosted a table and I’ve been searching through your blog trying to find it again. Our church is going to be doing one and I was hoping to show them that picture to show that we can attract the “younger” generation. Would you mind telling me which month you posted that? Thank you! Thank you!

Jenn - Okay Amy, yes there were only 4 items at that moment when the picture was taken but you did miss the big bowl of chocolate peanut butter icecream with bananas and chocolate syrup I had last night right before bed.

Jennifer P. - I love all the pink. I’m usually more of a red person–but all that pink mixed with a baby girl was perfect! I think all the big white lanterns hanging up were divine. I would have another baby if you’d come throw my shower :)!

amy - So I’m figuring out why Jenn is so amazingly skinny already… she’s got 4 things on her plate. Seriously, Jenn. C’mon.

Ainslie - WOW…what a delightful display of ‘pinkness’. That must have been the best fun to organise that party. My daughter’s fifth birthday party was a ‘Pink Party’ and it was my favourite of all her parties…eighteen little girls all dressed in pink, pink fizzy drink, pink food, pink decorations. You did a wonderful job here…especially with the decorations.

prairie daze - this is incredibly sweet. very, very pinky sweet.
what a beautiful mama and baby.

traci - what an adorable little baby girl. your decorations for the shower are just beautiful. the marshmallows in the vases with the flowers – wow. you have a wonderful style sense. i wanna be you.

chris - What a lovely shower, lucky girls. Where DID you get pink marshmallows?

jeanetta - what a cutie!
where in the world did you find pink marshmellows?
and i love the little wands.

Jenn - I must say she is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen! I am bias being her mother. Thank you so much for the shower, it was so girlie, beautiful, just like out of a magazine! And all those pictures for her scrapbook! What wonderful neighbors/family and friends to have in my life. Thanks again for all you have done.

traci - I LOVE the name London for a girl! Tried to get my sister to namer her daughter London but since she already had a Britan she
Is your house grand party station or what??? Super Bowl party, birthday parties, baby showers, Im sure Ive missed
It looks like a beautiful party….I made a diaper cake for my sisters shower and it was a BIG HIT…they are fun and soooooo useful too.

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