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hot date

i had a hot date last night
with my most favorite person in the world.
it was so good to get out of the house.
and i even wore a dress!


nice blurry picture.

we were at a dinner with craig’s co-workers, his boss and their spouses.
the food was excellent.
we laughed so much.
everyone likes will ferrell movies and saturday night live as much as we do.
i was cracking up all night.

the waitress came to take our order and tell us the specials.
she said “other than what’s on the menu we also have the sea bass.
my eyes got so big and looked around at everyone at our end of the table.
they all burst out laughing….
that’s how i knew it was going to be a fun night.
good times.

annie says from the other room….
“mom….guess what i found?”


talby’s make-up.
i let her leave it on all day.
even at the video store.


at the sonic drive-thru at 8:30 AM
i say into the intercom “I’ll have a hot carmel latte please.”
she says “would you like a burrito with that?”

Liz - I’m happy you had a fun date with your husband. Whenever I go to dinner parties they are always either blah or a blast. There never seems to be an in-between! Glad this one was fun. And I’m sure Talby felt quite ‘stylin’ at the store with her makeup on! 🙂

melissa @ the inspired room - Oh, boy do I ever need a date night! And somewhere to wear a dress? What fun that would be! Talby is looking fine. She can come do my makeup.
Happy Week!

Sara - something must have been in the air, we had a hot date last night too. In Atlanta there is outdoor dining even in february. Granted, there were heat lamps aimed down at us and we WERE wearing jackets. So we decided it was a good time for frozen margaritas! ha ha.

traci - glad you had fun on your date. i think we -as parents – need way more of those.
burritos and carmel latte’s – my favorite combination!!

jennifer - Wow…Four children and a date night!!! Good for you guys! We get in a few “dates” here and there and I love every second of them!

danelle - A burrito!!!! HA!

cynthia - i can’t even think of the last time i wore a dress…(church around here is pretty casual)
sad huh ?
love yours, by the way!

traci - ahhh, you look soooo pretty for your date night!! I love that you let annie wear the makeup to the video store. Im SO TRYING to be that mom,,,,my first instinct would be to let them leave it on but when running errands it must come off…I know, no fun. Working on that one.
I will have to try the latte at sonic and barf city at a burrito with it..LOL

jeanetta - i suck at typing! ugg i meant planet instead of plant.

jeanetta - yak!!
on what plant does a carmel latte go with a burrito?!
i lived in san antonio for 7 years and that wouldnt even happen there.

Jennifer P. - Woo hoo! You’re looking awfully spiffy there! And what a good mom to let her keep her makeup on! I use to let my kids wear a tiger costume everywhere–even when it was 100 degrees outside. You’re only young once, right?
A burrito with a caramel latte’–ha! ha!
Glad you had a nice night out!

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