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snow day



what to do on a snow day?
1. stay in bed as long as your five children will allow without fist fighting.
2. make a whole pot of coffee.


3. wake up slowly by reading email and checking blogs.
4. let kids watch their 3rd hour of tv before 10:00 AM.
5. decide to go take a bath (because shower is broken)
6. realize how dirty bathtub is (very dirty) and decide to clean it.


7. clean out the bath toys (throw away half)….
cover tub and walls with soft scrub with bleach.
8. take off clothes because of the bleach
and scrub the tub in my bra and underwear.
9. turn on the water to clean off soft scrub.
10. discover that the drain is clogged.
craig had fixed it the night before but now it was worse than it had been.
11. spend 25 mintues trying to fix it myself??
because i am so skilled in plumbing….
still in my bra and underwear.
12. finally get it to go a tiny bit….
enough to have a big cupful go down without stopping.
13. clean off the walls and tub one cup full at a time.


14. run my bath and discover my daughter has used all my bubble bath.
15. settle for other soap and take a bath…
with only four interruptions…there is no lock.
16. get more coffee (and a snack).


17. take a long time getting dressed & drying hair…
to avoid being needed by children.
18. paint toenails.


19. remember the valentines i bought 2 weeks ago.
20. provide an hour of tv free entertainment for 4 of my children.





22. continue day with same old stuff…washing loads laundry in my freezer laundry room…feed the kids lunch…snacks…more snacks…clean up valentines…make dinner…sweep up container of glitter off kitchen floor….bring the rabbit inside…take the rabbit back out…email…send kids off to wednesday night church.
23. relax?
yeah right.

note: i am not complaining about this crazy life.
i just thought it was an extra crazy day in my usually crazy life.

today the plumber had to come and work on the drain.
he tried four different things and then said “oh…that’s not good.”
water pouring all over the dining room floor.
it turns out that our plumbing that was put in 100 years ago is getting old.
imagine that.
he called his boss.
there was one thing left to try other than replace plumbing…
(something with a shop vac and a plunger?)
and it worked!

now i have to clean the tub again.

annie asked during the memory game this morning….
“can the plumber play memory with us mom?”

Angel - Too cute! I am excited to look more at your site- absolutely love the pictures! Thanks for stopping by my blog… I love new visitors!
p.s. My 2 yr old son was sitting here looking at this post with me and saw the picture of the the painted toenails. He squealed, “Oh mommy! Look at those markered toes!” 🙂

Andrea - How funny….. I was just having lunch with a friend and we were talking about how when I was in college and my aunt was caring for her two young granddaughters….anyway, one day she was a bit frustrated and said, in a grumbly voice (and my aunt never uses a grumbly voice) someday I would just like to pee by myself! I thought geeez, what is her problem. Now that I have two children and a dog like her, I understand!!!!!!!!!

Candy - Wow…LOVE your blog..your house is pretty!!
Have a blessed day 🙂
Candy from Canada

Jennifer P. - So much to relate to! I am notorious for bleaching everything, and what better outfit to deal with all that bleaching power than your bra and underwear, right :)?!
Glad to know my plumbing will most likely need replace in another 80 years. I’ll start saving now.
Rabbit, what rabbit?!

Erica - Good to hear from you. Love reading your blog! I can’t believe how big Lauren is. And Annie. She seems really tall to me. I’m glad you guys are doing so good. I hear Jenny is coming or maybe she is already headed there. Good for you guys. Have fun. I want to see lots of pictures! 🙂

jeanetta - i couldnt find an email on here anywhere so i just thought i would leave it in a comment for you.
the black apron has sold already but i have all the supplies to make another. its $35 and if you want one i can put it up on esty for you.

Anna - Hi – Ran across your blog a few weeks ago – to cute.
Oh your whole bathroom episode – The only way I clean our bathtub and shower is in my underware – is this not normal? I once asked to have a cleaning lady come to only clean our bathrooms, and my hubby asked if I really wanted to see a very large older women in her undies cleaing our tub- this was his way of sayin NO!
Nice shade of pink on the toes – very valentineish!

jeanetta - that was the best post!! loved it!
been there with the bathroom too.

em loria - Being a mom is a great job isn’t it? I love to scrub tubs in my undey-pants. I am glad I am not the only one that lets my children watch a little too much TV sometimes… thank you!

diane - hey, thanks for the comment, i was just reading you blog, clicked back to check my email and saw your comment, thanks.
And I like many of your readers, clean our sad, sad, sad little bathroom the same way.

Elena Manwaring - Oh goodness! That post cracked me up. It sounded much like my own day yesteday. Only mine involved a toilet. Hope you get more relaxation in today.

Brenis - Oh Meg, too funny! Sounds like you took a day out of my life. (I too clean the shower in my undies – no bleach splotches that way :D) So much for going straight to a relaxing bath, huh? And yes, the other day in the middle of all the craziness, i chose to stay holed up in my bathroom after my shower and painted my toenails, and plucked my brows – anything to stall going back to “reality” that day! LOL It’s a wonderful way of coping, isn’t it? 😛
Definitely loving those boots! 😀
Praise God the plumber figured out another option besides replacing all the plumbing!!! Holy cow that would be a horrendous cost and imagine the mess of ripping up walls!!!! :

traci - what a day!! don’t they make you smile. my days are kind of quiet now – even when the do have a snow day – and i miss the little kid stuff. and valentines – i really miss doing that with them. i can relate with the old house and plumbing issues – ick, i hope that does the trick for a long time. thanks for the peek into your day. love it!

Jenny Pocknall - I love it! Mums are the same the world over. (Except we don’t have the snow!)
It sound like a day I would have.

Shannon - Glad to see Scott likes the Life is Good shirt. I guess anything basketball would be fine for him — would make Hunter proud.

carissa - noggin… sprout… disney?
i tend to have a mixed viewing preference over here!
i am just glad noggin is now on past 5pm now(i know mother of the year)!
we had a snow day yesterday… i was in my jammies LATE! hee hee
you bring a bowl of smiles every day! thanks!

cynthia - i’m a bra and underwear shower cleaning kinda girl too! glad to know there is another…
and that first picture made me want some boots!

eef - would love to have some snow here it is only gray at the moment 🙂 Love your red boots 😀

prairie daze - that’s how we used to clean in college.
i’ll have to try it again.
: )

Pattie - Bathtub interruptions. Oh,the days. Valentine’s cards are a thing of the past too. I am really missing little kids thanks to you.
Here in Texas snow days are few and far between but we sure do love them. Of course our whole area shuts down with just the threat of ice or a half inch of snow. The world ends and the grocery shelves are empty.
Wanted to let you know that I made the chicken enchiladas and cream puff dessert this week. Both were a huge hit in my house. No leftovers at all! I added another can of green chilies (we are Texans, of course) Absolutely Yummy!

Shelly - that ended with a nice double negative…
but I think you will be able to understand =)

Shelly - I really do love reading about your days…
Some things are so similiar to my days – – –
I too, clean the tub in my bra and underwear… just seems easier, you don’t have to worry about your jammie pants getting any bleach-stuff on them.
My eight year old still has valentines that she is working on… she wanted to be more crafty and decided to make her own vs. store bought this year… so far, so good. She is starting to take pride in putting things together on her own, it is great to see her have fun with things like that.
Some days I dread what the teenage years will be like…
I have three daughters, the oldest is eight, the middle one will be two on Saturday, and her baby sister is not too far behind, she will be one on Sunday. So… to think of all the hormones that will be bouncing off the walls when I have a 17, 11 & 10 year old… fun, fun, fun!!
It’s a crazy life… but we have fun, and I couldn’t imagine not having this much craziness =)

Tammy Fischer - Okay. My bags are packed and I’m coming to live at your house (you don’t mind if I bring my two boys along do you?). I love a girl who can find time to paint her toenails while gracefully free falling into the looney bin…fantastic shade of pink by the way! p.s. – I clean the shower naked, you’re one step higher up on the civilization chain than I am.

chris - Snow day sounds good !, but since I run a daycare my two little ladies would make me crazy by now, I really love your desk area how nice, love the door/desk ,off to walk in 2 ft deep snow to pick up 6 kids from school while the other two (yep that’s 8 seems normal to me)stay in with my snowed in hubby. oh Canada!
Plus for today some kind “neighbour stranger” snow plowed my sidewalk, and the sun is shining for the first time in months. Ahhh sun!
Happy birthday to Lauren , love that name , we were one idea away from naming our first born Lauren , sometimes I still wish we had, its so pretty , as is your Lauren, we went with Mason for our big girl who will be 13 in 3 and a half years, yikes.We are already experiencing some hormones.

danelle - Tell her the cleaning lady would play memory with her!

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