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random happiness

today my heart felt full.

the sun was shining!
what a difference that makes.
and other random happy things…


super bowl parties are fun.
even if you never watch one second of the game or even a commercial.
i didn’t burn down the house (almost) when i made these.
they were so yummy.
in my opinion…
and everyone brought lots of other good yummy stuff.
30 kids and nothing broke…that i know of.


i took annie with me to this antique store.
it’s a small store that is packed…
like my giant purse almost knocks things over at every turn.
first you wind through the store of all the breakables & things in glass cases
to get to this….
open the back door to his garage.
(angels singing…bright lights)
this kind of stuff gets me so giddy.
there is so much stuff in there. good stuff.
we were the only people in probably all day i am sure
so he gave annie the grand tour.
he plugged in the electric piano and let her play it.
it lit up when you hit the keys.
he showed her the baby pianos…like Schroeder.
(can you hear the charlie brown music in your head?)


then he showed her the cuckoo clocks.
she burst out in squealing laughter.
i think she made his day.
he gave her a quarter on the way out.
she shouted “bye…hope you has a dood day!”


these were there.
old railroad nails? they looked so graphic.


lauren has a ball game today.
it’s very enjoyable to watch her do something she really likes.
it’s good to see her work hard.
she’s the one touching the ball.


annie is really good at memory.
scott quit playing with her yesterday mid-game
because he realized he was going to lose.


and this isn’t really a happy thing…
this wallpaper is awful.
it doesn’t want to leave.
but what IS happy is that there is only one wall left.
it’s ridiculously strong for as old as it is.
jenny…i fear your room won’t be done.
will you still come anyway?
i promise not to wear my $2.34 tinkerbell pajama pants when you are here.
if that helps my plea.


and this was the picture lauren took of me at the super bowl party.
she said “i want a picture of you in your apron.”
hmmmm…what is odd about this photo?
where’s the apron?
and why black and white?
i don’t know…she’s 13.
birthday pictures tomorrow.

which reminds me…
i have to make a birthday cake now.

patch - what antique store is that?

Deann - You Make my Day – and I’m passing on my blog award to you!
I’m not sure if I’ve commented before, but your daughter really brings a bright spot to my day and I sent my (pastor) mother a link to her reciting the bible 🙂

Lisa Wakely - I actually meant you “always” look so cute and put together, but I guess “also” works too 🙂

Lisa Wakely - Love the way you repeat exactly how your little one speaks. Have a dood day. Gotta love it, and the last picture of you is adorable. You also look so cute and put together and to think you are the mother of 5. You go girl!

christine - happy day Lauren Enjoy your cake!

jeanetta - ooo seeing that wallpaper being stripped gave me a shudder. bad memories i had burried really deep. lol. good luck with it

Kate of all Trades - Oh…kind of sad to see that wallpaper go. Why do I like it so much? Anyway, please tell me you took some beautiful pictures of your girls in their Easter best in front of it. It just seems timeless and good for photos.

traci - LOVE, LOVE , LOVE your house!!! Do your neighbors just gush over your house or do they have as awesome as style as you do? I also JUST LOVE going antiquing…soooo much fun! The picture of you is GREAT…your hair is shiny, your smile is beaming, just lovely. You look like the nicest lady ever.

Lee Ann - Would LOVE to walk through that antique store with you. That would make my heart so happy!
Feel for you and the wall paper. Been there. Seriously I don’t think we would purchase another home with it on the walls. Well…maybe if we could hire someone to remove it.

em loria - I love junk stores, espically those that treat children well?? What a fun place, most of them glare at you like “Why are you bringing those rat bags in here with you.” LUCKY GIRL!
I also love the B&W, it’s classic.

Shabby Miss Jenn - OMG I loooove your eye candy here!!!!

Liz - As always, your pictures are just lovely! And who needs the sun with those cheerful, sparkly chandeliers in your kitchen! 🙂
Glad you had fun. Good luck with that wallpaper. The older it is, the more stubborn it is!

Meredith - Hey…I hope you has a dood day too! 🙂

Di - Had fun at the party…just got a chance to catch up on your blog. Loved the colorful pictures of ordinary stuff – although you always make it look extraordinary!

Andrea - What fun. I always enjoy your pictures. I feel for you……the wallpaper. Sometimes it just doesn’t want to come off….Yuk. Hang in there you are almost done?

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