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holy cow.
how did this happen?
how do i have a teenager?
it seems like i was just meeting her.
just looking at that dark hair and dark brown eyes.
seeing how totally adorable she looked in hot pink.
figuring out what to do with a baby.


and one more..


my grandma holding lauren who was not even 1 day old.
ahhhh…..that’s the good stuff.
i wish i could hold her like that again.


but that would be difficult….
since we are the same size.


this is me giving my best 7th grade face for the camera.
i should have given the peace sign also….


there you saw it…she smiled.
you did see it right? i am not just imagining it?
a real smile and even laugh was overhead at that moment.


time for cake.
shirts are optional.


“she’s a pretty pretty pretty pretty
such a pretty girl….”


why are her arms waving?
i don’t know…
she’s 13.


this was a funny one.
i guess she was just far enough out of the candle light to disappear.


geez…big enough piece of cake or what?!
talby is holding a candle in her mouth…not smoking.
we don’t let anyone smoke in the house.
and think how funny that iPod will look some day.

big time stuff.
she has the whole world in front of her.
that is exciting.

Kate of all Trades - Yes, very pretty girl indeed! She’s had those beautiful eyes since the day she was born.

Kate of all Trades - Yes, very pretty girl indeed! She’s had those beautiful eyes since the day she was born.

amy d - Happy Birthday Lauren!!! Woof Woof 🙂 Love ya, Molly

Sara - Meg Meg Meg,
I so TOTALLY remember when you were pregnant with her. I was so amazed that someone I knew was going to be a Mom. You have really done so much and look how amazing ALL your kids are! And you have such a super sweet sister. hee hee. My husband calls me crazy for always checking in with your life, but I do SO enjoy it. Happy Birthday Lauren!

traci - when I was a young, unmarried, childless lady I heard people say all the time how fast their kids grew up and thought..”yeah, whatever, blah, blah”. Now that I have kids I SERIOUSLY HAVE NO IDEA where time goes!!!!! My stepson who was 8 when I married his dad 11 yrs ago is moving out on his own TODAY at 19. Never thought it would happen….jeeeeesh, its just amaing.
Your daughter is indeed just gorgeous. I had to giggle outloud at shirts are optional and making a big deal about her
Oh yes and the idea we might think your kids are

amy - Happy Birthday, Lauren!

carissa - oh my gosh… no… you do not seem like you could be mom to a teenager! fun & I am sure challenging too.
she IS so pretty… and has the world at her feet! BIG 13! wow! happy birthday!

Becca - This post was so fun for me today! Today
(2/6)is my 36th Birthday. I cant even rememer what was going on in my world at 13….but it was fun to peek into her world on her special day! Thanks for sharing!

Mom - Hope Lauren had a great 13th birthday! What fun things did she get?
Snow, Snow, Go Away – It’s just way too Gray!

Jennifer P. - Happy Birthday Lauren! What a pretty girl! I can see the resemblance to you and your husband. Such a fun party too. And a gorgeous cake. And I love the “smoking” picture!!!
Sorry I haven’t been around to comment on your last couple of posts–I’m sure you missed me :). Been one sick puppy. Starting to come out of the worst of it now though.

Blanca - Happy Birthday to Lauren. I know how it feels my daughter turned 14 a week ago and I can’t beleive next school year she will be in high school!
Hope you enjoyed the cake.

lorel - oh Lauren! That baby picture for some reason made me feel all emotional. I remember the night before you were born. Kevin and I were not married yet, but he came to Wichita to meet you anyway. We were down in Grandma Ranney’s basement talking and I just started crying, feeling fear and excitement and joy about your upcoming birth. Kevin was not very emotional – he first became an uncle at age 8. 🙂 But I am so glad you are in our family – so smart, so beautiful, so funny, so creative. And now you are a teenager. Wow! Happy Birthday girl!

Jenn - Happy Birthday Lauren! To one of the prettiest girls on our block. We enjoy having you down the street. Just think one more year and you can start driving 🙂 Have a great day off from school today and enjoy that snow and sleeping in.

traci - happy birthday lauren. 13 wow. she will smile alot again real soon. i promise ya!! that looks like a really yummy cake!!

jeanetta - oooo you are scaring me. my oldest will be 10 next year in nov and i am not dealing with that well now! i am really dreading when he gets taller than me.

Crystal - it’s a day late but happy birthday to lauren. still 1 1/2 years to go before we get the joy of having our first teenager in our home.

Ainslie - Happy Birthday to Lauren. What a gorgeous girl…especially when she smiles!!! I bet those twelve years have flown by. Hope your celebrations are special and full of happy memories for you all.

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