Masthead header



lee ann


prairie daze





congratulations girls!
send me your address so i can send you a gift.
i printed all the comments and cut them up.
then craig closed his eyes and pulled out 4 for me.
he is such a helpful guy.

thank you to EVERYONE who commented!
that was so much fun.
i was surprised by many of them…
a former cheerleader high school classmate…
friend from IL. i haven’t talked to for years (and whom i miss)…
my favorite family i baby-sat for in high school….
my jr. high boyfriend’s wife (lucky girl)….
my little cousin who i haven’t seen in years…
our youth pastor at church…
and many more.

so much fun.
and see how easy it was?
feel free to leave 110 comments everyday.

Shawn - I’m just recovering from a hard drive crash. Finally got my computer back yesterday and taking a little break to check on some blogs and is that me shawn?? I never win anything! How fun is this?! And I even had plans to do a giveaway this weekend. What perfect timing. 🙂 What a cute way to announce the winners. And since I’m catching up no WAY do you have a teenager. Looks like you had a fun party. 🙂 Kay, better get back to work. Lots of catchin’ up to do after being computerless for over a week. Hope you’re having a great weekend so far. 🙂

traci - wow. that is awesome – 110 comments. good for you. and what a cute way to show the winners. have a great one!

traci - what a fun way to showcase the winners. You are sooooo creative meg. Im dying to know what the prizes are…do tell

kari & kijsa - So funny- a former cheerleader highschool classmate commented on ours as well…we won’t say how long agoooooo that was!!!! Congrats to all the winners- we do love those giveaways!
kari & kijsa

kari & kijsa - So funny- a former cheerleader highschool classmate commented on ours as well…we won’t say how long agoooooo that was!!!! Congrats to all the winners- we do love those giveaways!
kari & kijsa

prairie daze - hee hee hee
tell craig i’ll give him his $20 sometime. just kidding, not rigged at all.
but oh, so happy am i.

melissa @ the inspired room - Isn’t it funny how many people are actually out there reading but so few ever leave comments? Too bad we have to bribe them to come out and play. I love when people comment so I know I am talking to someone real! 🙂
Oh, well. At least you know who some of them are (wow, your junior high boyfriends wife even!)

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