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cream puff


i hesitated posting this recipe
for fear you’d see how simple i am.
but maybe one of you has never made this…
and so this is for you.
as i was making it i was reminded of how much we love it.
i had to share….
easy cream puff squares.


gather your ingredients.
and you will also need…3 squares of baking chocolate.


you start by melting the butter in the water
bringing it to a boil.


add in the flour all at once.
stir about one minute until it looks like this…


remove from heat and let stand five minutes.


place in a mixing bowl
and add in eggs one at a time;
blending throughly between each one.


now you will have a thick yellow batter.


spread it in a 9 x 13 pan.
if i were you…
i’d use a much nicer pan than this throw away aluminum one.
i am using it because i brought this to friend’s party.
and to be polite i planned on leaving it there.
(secretly hoping they would beg me to take it home)


place it in a preheated oven (400)
for 20 minutes.


when you open your oven in 20 minutes…
it’s so exciting!
it looks all puffy and fancy.
prick it with a fork about 10 times,
then stick it back in for another 5 minutes
until it’s golden brown.
the first time i made this…i thought i was an amazing chef.
it sure felt that way.
let crust cool completely.


for the filling…
add cold milk to a mixing bowl and add in pudding mixes.
whisk about 2 minutes until thickened.


fold in 2 cups whipped topping.
(this is almost the entire container minus a few T. for the topping)


spread the pudding mixture on top of the beautiful golden brown crust.
refrigerate 1 hour.


after time in the refrigerator
cut cream puff into squares.
(don’t bother to cut small pieces…no one can eat a small piece of this)


now for the topping.
melt chopped baking squares and cool whip in microwave
for 30 seconds.
stir until smooth.
if you cook it any longer…it will scorch.


place a small ziploc bag over a glass
(like how you line a trashcan)
or if you have someone to hold the bag…go for it.
fill the bag with the melted chocolate.
close the bag.
cut the very bottom corner off of ziploc bag.
(homemade pastry bag)
decorate each cream puff square with some chocolate.
***now you could skip this whole step and use chocolate syrup…
but it’s not nearly as good. serioulsy.***


keep refrigerated until ready to serve.


craig loves this dessert.
and so do i.
once i made this just for the 2 of us and we ate the whole thing over a weekend.

*recipe in the sidebar.

cheryl - Here’s a link to the full recipe —

cheryl - Great sounding recipe — but — PLEASE INCLUDE measurements to the ingredients!!!

denise - HELP you dont have a list of the amts of each ingredient, ie. the flour, water, and milk! Can you pass that info along! Thx!

Judy Binzel - The recipe was not on my page can you send it to me. Thanks

northern cottage - ohhh nooo dearie! I’m in serious trouble with this recipe! thumbs up from me as well! xo

Janmary, N Ireland - Yummmm! Don’t have the same sort of vanilla pudding mix here but I’m sure I’ll find something!

Mrs. Fox - That looks delicious!

Mrs. Fox - That looks delicious!

Mrs. Fox - That looks delicious!

Meredith - Thanks for visiting my blog! 🙂 I love the look of this…definitely going to try it out on the hubby! I just posted a recipe too! White chocolate cranberry cookies!

Meredith - Hey! Thanks for visiting my blog! I love the look of this recipe! My husband loves cream puffs, but I haven’t really had success at making them…I’m going to give this a try! 🙂
I just posted a recipe too! White Chocolate Cranberry Cookies!

Lesli - Wow – now I am really hungry!!! Thanks for sharing your recipe!

Lesli - Wow – now I am really hungry!!! Thanks for sharing your recipe!

Lesli - Wow – now I am really hungry!!! Thanks for sharing your recipe!

Ainslie - Hi Meg, Now THAT looks delicious!!! Thanks for the recipe. I’ve just nominated you for the ‘You Make My Day’ award on my blog. I LOVE your blog so I thought you were very deserving of this award.

Pattie - Ok, my Friday night consisted of two hours of reading your blog. I found it by chance and I have to say I love your family. I have two who are high school age and one in college and believe it or not, I would trade places with you in a sec! You seem to have such a great time with all the kids and hubby too.(yelling and screaming at them is all part of the life ha) Hang in there with your oldest daughter! Middle school is awful and they become human again for a couple of years and then senior year hits and they think they’re grown. I swear God makes them so cute when they are little so that you have that to cling to when they are so horrible. Thanks for the exciting Friday night ha! It was great getting a peek into your fun household! You/re doing a great job.

traci - YUM…first I love the way your lemons are displayed. Simple? It isnt brain surgery but in my book if it consist of more than dump and stir it isnt…oh yeah and if it has more than 3-4
Looooks yummy and I will definately try this.

Brenis - I’m so glad you posted this, as I have never made it – and my family would love it! Thank you!! 🙂
And I love your jars of lemons and apples!
blessings, bren 🙂

Gabrielle - Wow…that looks yummy….I’m glad you posted it…we will be making that..and I like the glass demo…that’s how you put it in the bag..didn’t know that.

traci - that looks amazing. thanks for sharing!!

kari & kijsa - Delicious!!! Mmmmm…we could sit an munch on that yummy all weekend too!!
Have a great day,
kari & kijsa

kari & kijsa - Delicious!!! Mmmmm…we could sit an munch on that yummy all weekend too!!
Have a great day,
kari & kijsa

Jenn - You know by posting these recipes on your blog means I now have the means to make them at home. I don’t have the excuse that I don’t have access to the recipe and that Russ needs to stop by your house to enjoy it. mmmmmm I know this is a yummy one and so are others – my favorite that you have introduced to us is still Blueberry Buckle!!!

Jennifer Peterson - Ooooh! I would be eating those for breakfast if I could! I would not call you simple–that’s smart cooking woman! I think Rachael Ray has made her fortune off of smart, quick cooking.
Funny that you should have them an aluminum pan. I just posted a recipe today as well and the goodies were baked in… aluminum pan :)! (only I wasn’t taking them anywhere!).
Thanks for sharing and for making it all look so beautiful along the way.

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