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color all aROUND…

we got lots of snow last night.
and it’s so dark this morning.
hope these make your day bright.








i am so glad God decided to give us color.
imagine if all we had was black and white…

Dawn - Hi, I am one of the many people that look and never leave a message. Love your blog…can’t remember where I found it but it was a link about your craft room…LOVE the colors in the room. Keep blogging!!
One of the first times I read your blog was the post about not going shopping and making brownies (so funny). By the way made the brownies during the holidays and they were a big hit. I am from South Texas.

Shelly - Loving the color!!
And the word-play…
color all a Round =)
Very cute!!

carissa - here here! thank you Lord for your beautiful world FULL of color!

Jennifer Peterson - Tons of snow here too–more than we’ve had in at least 10 years and it’s making the roads MISERABLE! Thanks for cheering me up with color. I love these posts! The Kandinsy-esque circles are my favorite–and the donuts. Hope you’re staying warm there!

Jana - Color all aROUND… I get it. All the pictures are round… very clever Miss Megan!! Love, love, love the color – it’s good for my Seasonal Affective Disorder! See ya soon!

Mom - We were supposed to get that snow, but I think it is passing us by. I’m glad for that. Pretty pictures – now I want a donut!

Jenn - Morning Meg – I wish I was a kid today – sleeping in – no school – excitment of going sledding. Nothing was better than mom coming in my bedroom telling me to go back to sleep – there is no school today because of the snow. The snow is beautiful today. Thanks for the color you bring into the world and our neighborhood. Have a great day with your kiddos :0)

Andrea - Love these pictures. I am not sure which is my favorite. They are all so vibrant! Keep snappin’ those pics….you have a great eye…..

traci - i think your snow is headed my way. you have 100 comments on your challenge – yahoo!!!

traci - Im your neighbor (I live in Okiehoma lol)..we are getting snow right now..hoooray. We are kinda known for ice which I hate but I LOVE snow. I too am so thankful God gave us color!!! Im one of your BIGGEST BLOGGING FANS. Love your style.

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