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happy anniversary to “whatever”

thank you.

i am having so much fun celebrating my one year anniversary of blogging!


i am keeping the contest open until Friday (for my weekly readers)
so be sure to go enter if you haven’t already…i am missing ALOT of you.
you know who you are.

i don’t know what made me decide to try a blog
but i am SO GLAD i did.
this is therapy for me….why??
i don’t know exactly.
it feels good to keep track of the small everyday things.
it feels great to have a record of thoughts, feelings, events of an entire year.
it feels creative to have something i want to say each time i sit down.
this blog has changed how i see things…through my lens.
i think about photography a lot more than i did a year ago.

the blogs that got me hooked were
ali edwards because i desire to scrap like her.
karen russell because i learn so much from her about photography.
(and she has a beautiful line of scrapbook supplies that i adore)
tara whitney because her photography made me change how i looked through my camera.

and now here i am…
with hundreds of new blog friends of my own
and a huge list of blogs i read every day or at least every week.

i skimmed through the whole blog last night.
i pulled some of my favorite random pictures from this year of blooging.


















don’t forget to leave a comment in the post below.
have a fabulous day!

Chaos-Jamie - Don’t you love having an online journal? I used to feel guilty that I didn’t journal for each of my kids as my perfect friends do. Now I have a blog and I can point my kids to that. 🙂 Glad to have finally found you.

Chaos-Jamie - Don’t you love having an online journal? I used to feel guilty that I didn’t journal for each of my kids as my perfect friends do. Now I have a blog and I can point my kids to that. 🙂 Glad to have finally found you.

Shelly - Thank you for blogging…
I do feel like we are ‘friends’… even though you have not met me.
I am inspired to start one of my own.
I think it would be awesome to be able to look back at things that we funny at the time, that may have slipped out of my mind… between baths, diaper changes, peanut butter sandwiches, birthday parties, etc…
Just like little Annie, my daughter that is almost two is starting to say the cutest things… I should put those somewhere to be able to giggle at later =)

Laura Lynn - Thanks for letting us into your day-to-day life!!! Since we are so far away I feel like I have a weekly visit with our favorite babysitter/neighbor/family! Love you all and LOVE your blog.

Lauren - Congrats on your special day!!! I haven’t been blogging much of late, but I’m super-glad I didn’t miss out on your celebration!
Take care!

jessi nagy - happy blogaversary!!!
your pictures are fabulous!!!

eryn - Thanks for your note. Isn’t it funny how we feel like we make “friends” with people who’s blog we read? I feel like you’re a friend, even though we’ve never (and probably never will) meet! I think I’d REALLY like you in person…
Anyhow, I just started reading the Angela Thomas book, Tender Mercy for a Mother’s Soul, and already I just keep thinking…this is good. REALLY good. I need to hear these things. It’s awesome!
And, funny, but we’re the same way with Charlie and Lola. Hubby and I just really like it, so when we buy new books…heck, I’m buying them, we are going to have to read them (over and over and over and over)…might as well get what I like! I’m so sick of Thomas the Tank Engine I could puke! Although he provides hours of entertainment for my kid. Have a good day!

melissa @ the inspired room - Such sweet photos!
Are you passing out yet at the response? Great job in motivating people to participate, I like that!

Jennifer Peterson - oh yeah–and happy blogiversary! That’s what I wanted to say in the first place!

Jennifer Peterson - funny how you chose a lot of my favorites too! (Because I have read through your blog in its entirity–I think the very first night I found it even :)…). I loved the one of Talby and Annie in the rain puddles, and the one of the butterfly over the flower, and the one of Annie crying (did she stick those snaps on herself?–it’s sweet the way you’re comforting her though). And the best one is of Lauren standing by the bear–what a story of teenager-hood that one tells!
Alrighty, I’ll stop typing already! And I hope you don’t think it’s creepy that I’ve learned your children’s names!

shar - Happy 1st year!

carissa - beautiful!

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