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i just loved this.
i don’t even have this memorized!

Marcia - Congratulations on a year of blogging. Every time I visit it cheers me up, like reading a favorite magazine where you know all the people in the pictures. Lots of love.

Marcia - Congratulations on a year of blogging. Every time I visit it cheers me up, like reading a favorite magazine where you know all the people in the pictures. Lots of love.

Patricia - Thank you so much for sharing! That is just priceless!!

Shawn - I’ve seen that before but never get tired of watching it. She’s just the cutest sweetest thing ever. Amazing. 🙂

cynthia - i saw this a few months back and it’s adorable! my son just learned this entire verse at school last week and to hear those words is like sweet music!

Jennifer P. - Oh, by the way, don’t you know you’re suppose to put clips like this and the man cold one over in your sidebar so I can come steal them first :)?!

Jennifer P. - Somebody needs to clone her! It is amazing what kids are able to memorize.

traci - not only is it impressive that she has it memorize but she is just flat out ADORABLE!!! How her father is not laughing and shaking the camera I dont know! How darling!

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