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much better

i took the morning off.
i got a sitter for annie…left craig sick in bed…
and got to barnes & noble as fast as possible.
do you know how quiet it is there at 10 AM on a weekday?
blissfully quiet.


luxury to me.


i slowly looked through these books.
sipping my coffee
and soaking in the beauty.
my mind was overflowing with so many ideas.
for the house…for crafts…for the garden.
this book was my favorite.
on the cover is a fire pole in the house
and a slide alongside the stairs.
how fun!
ms. kristin and lorel…you’d love it.
i wrote down 2 sheets of notes in my idea book.

the rest of my day was a breeze…
since i ‘d had a taste of freedom.

i baked.
a quadruple recipe of pumpkin muffins
my favorites.



i arranged flowers.


name that movie….
“it’s a 12 lemon centerpiece gary.
i can’t make a 12 lemon centerpiece with 3 lemons.”

look how cute the gerbera daisies are all cozy in their hairnets.


i brought color back to the kitchen
trying to fight those winter blues.


scott remains healthy.
last man standing.

not that craig is anything like this…
but it is funny.

Andria - Love the post. Your flower arrangement is so beautiful. Please post your pumpkin muffin recipe. My best friend’s grandmother used to make the best pumpkin bread, I haven’t found a recipe even close.
You bring joy to my day!

Tonya - those books look fabulous…
I am a HUGE Amy Butler Fan…
looks like a nice relaxing day…
I need more of those…

Adla - Hi there,
what wonderful pictures captured. loving the citruses in the vase 🙂

traci - I agree with Liz…this is just the most cheerful blog ever!!! You definately have a the gift with a camera. I love the flowers, bumball machine, flowers with little hairnets on as you worded it and everything else!!! Soooo glad you took time off to just relax in the midst of the sick storm your family is going thru. Tell Scott to hang on and be STRONG..

cynthia - love love love the lemons in the centerpiece! just beautiful!
and i couldn’t help but admire the gumball machine on your counter as well…now i want to take ours off it’s stand and put it in the kitchen!

danelle - I absolutely LOVED the video. I laughed outloud and that feels good!!!

carissa - that video is hilarious!
girl… you make my jaw drop each & every day with your beautiful… insightful posts! thanks!

Jennifer P. - Oh please invite me along on your next outing to Barnes and Noble. I’ll be quiet I promise :)! A little peace and quiet and a stack of decorating books looks sooooo nice. It’s been so loud and crowded in here lately. I think I’ve got cabin fever.
And I’m only like a hop, skip, jump and airpline flight away from Kansas, right?!
LOVE your display of the flowers, apples, and gumball machine. Such color! Thanks for giving me so many ideas.

Mom - The video is terrific. Would you come and put some flowers on my table?
Comment from Talby last weekend: She was looking at the arrangement on my table which is a candle in the big glass vase and fake snow around it and says: Grandma, why do you always have to be so fancy? I said: Because it makes me feel better and it looks pretty.
Runs in the family – huh.

Mrs. Fox - Loved the video! Nick Frost is so funny.

Liz - This might be my favorite post of all time. Seriously. I dont know what cheered me up more… seeing your cheerful flowers and cute gumball machine or watching that video. That was eerily accurate of man sickness. Cant wait to show that to Matt…

traci - what a great day for you. absolutely love the bookstore. you need to give the recipe for your pumpkin muffins – they look wonderful. what great decorating bits. the flowers are beautiful. very springy!!

prairie daze - i WOULD love that. more than much i can think of.
i’m so glad you got a date…

eryn - It’s from “The BreakUp” with Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston, right? I love that you put the citrus in the vase…so pretty!!

eryn - It’s from “The BreakUp” with Vince Vaughn and Jennifer Aniston, right? I love that you put the citrus in the vase…so pretty!!

Kamee Nuzman - Darling. Darling. Darling. I love everything you got to do on your day off. I also am inspired by your angles! 😉 Loved the visit!

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