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man down

craig just walked in…
11:00 PM.
“I have the flu”

it will be a miracle if scott doesn’t get this.
how are you feeling mom?

random quote: talby asks me…
“why were those girls here at wal-mart in the day?”
“they are homeschooled…their mom is their teacher.”
“ohhhh…is that why the mom wears glasses?”

carissa - OMG… I just laughed hard out loud. your kids are so funny!

Liz - That’s funny. You can tell your daughter that I often wonder the same thing, “Who are these people that wonder around WalMart in the middle of the day?” I dont know, but I want to be one of them! 🙂

traci - kids perceptions are so funny!! I dont know about with Craig but with most men they are the WORST when being sick…no one feels as bad as…hope this is all over soon.

Mom - This is day 3 and I’m still pretty bad. Kids bounce back so fast. It’s not fair. How are Annie and Talby and Craig?

prairie daze - i really am laughing

Jennifer P. - That must be why I needed glasses about the same year I started homeschooling! Do you think if I stopped I could get my 20/20 back?
Hope your husband feels better soon and that the flu makes its way through your house quickly. I think that’s easier to deal with than a couple of weeks of it at 2-3 day intervals.

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