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one month later…


so yeah…it’s january 22nd
and i decided to take down my christmas tree.
only a month later than everyone else.
and everything still looks so pretty even in the box.


11 months in a box.
(or 10 if you are lazy like me)
it’s a shame.


new for us…
each child now has their own box for their special ornaments.


clearly scott prefers big ornaments.
he is going for volume.
i guess he will need another box.

i am feeling much better today.
thank you for the get well wishes.
but as of 6:45…
the exact minute we started dinner…
talby has it too.
and then there were 2.

random quote: annie shouts from another room
“mom…i have a runny nose…can i wipe it on your shirt?”

Ainslie - I love the idea of the boxes for each child’s ornaments. We do have a few ‘disagreements’ when it comes to hanging the decorations as to who gets to hang which ones. I think I’ll have to steal this idea from you if you don’t mind. I promise if anyone asks, to tell them it was your idea though!!!

cynthia - not to worry…mine stuff goes up around the first of november!
and doesn’t come down until way after new years…

jerusalem - Our last Christmas box just went out to the garage yesterday…you are in good company! Hope you continue on the mend – best wishes!

carissa - all your Christmas goodies look SO pretty!
it IS a shame how little time we have them out to enjoy… so i think it’s awesome you kept your tree up longer.
here’s to a wonderful wednesday & everyone getting better!

Beka - What a great idea for the kids’ ornaments. My kids are always asking where their particular handmade ornaments are, and I just have them amongst the crowd of others. Your Christmas goodies look gorgeous.

jeanetta - my tree is still up. dont think i’ll get to it today. lol

prairie daze - okay, i want to do this.
a box for each kid, that is. : )

Jennifer P. - See, THAT’S why I take all my stuff down on Dec. 26 :)!!! If I leave it up just a little too long, I completely stop noticing it. (Not that you didn’t notice yours, or maybe you didn’t–I’m just saying that’s how the story ends with me!). The one thing I didn’t get to–the snow paint on my front windows–is still there.
But the ornaments do look so pretty. I wouldn’t want to part with them too quickly either.
Hope little one feels better soon! Hope you wash all your shirts!

Dana D - I’m so glad I’m not the only one!
If it makes you feel any better, my goal for tomorrow is to take down our Christmas tree! It was also my goal for today, but it didn’t happen!

Kamee Nuzman - i love love love all of your pictures. you are so creative! congrats on getting the tree down! 🙂 thanks for stopping by; I love making new blogger friends!

traci - those ornaments do look gorgeous in the box!!! I too LOVE the idea of each child having a box of ornaments…Im so stealing that idea 🙂
SOOOOOO glad you are better

Andrea - I love the idea of having a special box for each child’s special hand made ornaments. Thanks.

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