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i have been busy busy in the craft room the past few weeks.
and will be for a few more weeks.
3 years ago i made stockings for my family
and then i made them for my sister’s family.
since then she’s had another baby.
her baby maya is over 1 year old now…
so she needs a stocking.
this is what i sent.



sewed on lots of buttons…a jingle bell trim and a fluffy messy trim over that.
the back side is black & white polka dot with pea green pom pom trim.
the white velour cuff was made from my old navy hoodie
that i spilled coffee on too many times
and got too small…
because i shrunk it in the dryer.
yeah…that’s it…i shrunk it in the dryer…it had nothing to do with the sizing.
ha ha

i just love to get crafty.
i was so happy to be making that stocking because i was enjoying the process.
it feels good to work with your hands
and create something unique.
don’t you think?

sean and i realized at prayer time tonight
it is exactly 3 weeks till christmas today.
wow…i have a lot to do.

Jennifer Peterson - I must say that I stayed up till 12:30 am gawking at the pictures of your home. I’m an interior designer by trade and I’d never know that you weren’t! Simply lovely. I have linked your site off of mine, but if you would prefer I removed it, just let me know. Thanks so much for a peek inside your lovely life. -Jennifer

melissa @ the inspired room - Your stocking is adorable, love all the buttons and trim!

Blanca - This is so cute and whimsical I’m sure your sister will love it.

traci - that is a beautiful stocking. i love that you recycled your hoodie for part of it. very crafty you are. i have never been a sewer.

diane - I love that stocking! Will you take pictures of the rest of your family’s stockings and share?
I made stockings for our family a few years ago, out of burlap with a sage green silk damask cuff, I like them but I feel like something is missing, They need an unexpected touch, maybe it’s buttons and fun trim.

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