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tea party

i am not one for ladies activities.
i don’t enjoy singing carols in a group
or skits or costumes….
but i do like to decorate.
this is my table at our church’s ladies tea.



and i like yummy food.



and tea is okay too.
(but it’s not coffee…or even close)


there were 27 tables.
all different.
all very pretty.




it was very girlie.
(as you can see…my table could win a prize for tallest table decoration…ha)
it was fun to get all that stuff together.
to finally use some of my red christmas dishes.
and finding enough santa mugs at the anitque store.
thanks mom for sending the vintage tablecloth….i hope you don’t want it back.
i like it too much.
i was remembering the last time i went to a ladies tea.
remember jenny?
talby was a teeny tiny baby.

and i was also cracking up during the program thinking
“Men would NEVER do this”
and that’s why i am glad i am not a man.
among many many other reasons.


michelle - What a great looking tea. I love your table and how your own style (similar to mine I think) comes out. I’m also not one for the traditional girlie things but like you did here, you put your own slant on it. I would definitely want to sit at your table! : )
Thanks for stopping by my blog and turning me onto yours! I love how you’ve organized your studio.

traci - your table looks absolutely beautiful. i bet you got some great ideas there.

Linda - First off, I have to say…I wish I was your friend. Because then we could hang out at your gorgeous house, drink coffee, and I could nibble on all your great recipes! I think we’d even shop well together, and we both agree on filling our tree with kids ornaments that we add to each year…
You are obviously such a great mum…it just shows in your posts…all the lovely things you do with your kids…I need to come by your blog more often for inspiration!!
Anyway, thanks for all the blogging goodness!

Mom - I knew you would like the table cloth. I believe that was originally your Grandma Osborne’s. I used it every year until we moved to Lawrence. Just seems to fit your house now better than mine! It’s all yours.
And your table was very pretty. Loved how you used your little Santa mugs. Watch out Martha!

Craig - I am also glad that you are not a man.

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