Masthead header


this was too fun.
not the fighting and arguing part…but the project itself.
so much fun.



i commissioned a friend who is known for her gingerbread making skills
to make the house pieces for me.
i wasn’t feeling brave enough to take that on this year.
she brought us the house in pieces…mmm…smelled so good.
while the kids were at school i built the house and tiled the roof with rice chex.
i could have easily sat and done the entire house
all by myself.
i was having a blast.



it’s a good craft for all ages.
but i think next time i will have more than one house
and everyone will have their own frosting.
sharing is a hard concept.
(at least for my kids)



it is pretty sweet.

Adla - That is so cute…all the kids involved, what a wonderful outcome. I’m sure they’ll treasure these memories when they are all grown 🙂

melissa @ the inspired room - What fun and sweet memories! Love seeing your little tribe all working together like that! Even if they were fighting. 🙂

Danelle - I love this!

Jen CD - What friend made the pieces? I am definitely interested!!!!!!!!!!
Jen CD

kristin - this is a family tradition of mine…my mom is amazing and does it all before we get there…then we each take a side and have at it…
i wonder when i’ll start it at home…

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