Masthead header


*edited…something with this OLD computer won’t let me type my normal way…so good luck reading this.  i can’t wait to get my Mac back.  enough already!!***

this thanksgiving we celebrated with my grandmother. she turned 90 years old last week. all she wanted as a gift was for the family to be together. thats not asking for much. and we all love her very much so almost everyone came that could.



people helped in the kitchen. uncle john brought the turkey…yummy. seriuosly the best turkey i have ever had. and this was such a familiar site… grandma’s china and these foods on it. she always makes the jello salads. and now that i am an adult…i like them. bravery comes with age i guess.



it was so nice to hear all the chatter coming from the dining room. the grandchildren (my generation) were remembering it being different when we were children. it’s much more relaxed now… i guess that too comes with age. especially when you are seeing family that lives in australia and minnesota. you have to enjoy every minute.


there was a surprise cake with 90 candles. i told grandma we need to check her smoke alarm batteries…not one of them went off. and they should have. i loved watching her smile so big when the entire family sang happy birthday.



she blew them all out. impressive. then she was covered with great grandchildren who felt the need to pull all the candles out of the cake for her… immediately.



and here we are. (not pictured…sean…he had a melt down seconds before the first picture) that’s real life right there. i am so glad this is what you asked for grandma. it was a wonderful day with so much to truly be thankful for.

Lisa Ulrich - Every time I visit your site I miss you more and more…I love to share your site with our new friends. I tell them, “This is my friend Megan and her family. Isn’t she just wonderful!” I love you Meg.

Danelle - Tell me if you would what food it is in the picture..the dark stuff beside the meat.?? I can’t tell what it is and now I’m curious. I am always wondering what other families eat since we have the traditional ones we always stick with.

lorel - I am so ‘thankful’ for this THANKFUL! I am so glad you took such wonderful photos Meg. I laughed out loud at the one of all the kids climbing on Grandma. I love the one where we are all singing to her too, and I love how you can see me in the mirror above the flames of the candle. Wow. Thanks for capturing this beautiful event.

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