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my friend said she had a gift for me.
she brought it in and i said
“oh…thank you.”
because look at it.
it’s adorable.
it’s an old jewelry box in the sweetest light blue color.
i was perfectly thrilled with it.


then she said “well…open it!”


i could have cried.
it was the nicest present.
so thoughtful.
it was full of scrapbook goodies…in the cutest packaging ever.
i love it so much.
thank you.
it was so special to me…i can’t even tell you how much.
this is a gift i will always remember.

melissa @ the inspired room - Oh that is so pretty! What a thoughtful and sweet friend you have!

Danelle - My mom has a pink jewelry box just like that one. I want it someday.
Cool gift! That is one thoughtful friend that put a lot into a gift that was so “you”.

Shannon Davis - Meg, I posted a comment under the KU homecoming post — never done this before so I guess I had better learn how to post correctly. Anyway, I’ll post it again. The box reminds me of a gift I made at Scrapbook garden and wanted to know if you wanted to trade out homade gifts again like a few years ago. Let me know!! Shannon

elizabeth holder - what an awesome gift!! how lucky you are to have a friend like that! and what a great gift for another scrapper – thanks for sharing your family and life with us

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