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leaf mountain


with 11 trees….this is about one afternoon of leaves that fall.
last year for talby’s birthday party this was the only entertainment we planned.
jumping off the trampoline into the mountain of leaves.
even craig did it…the NesTea plunge right into the leaves.


annie got to have eliza over to play.
they went outside to jump into the mountain.
annie showed her what to do but she decided to watch instead.
she thought about it…
it is quite a drop if you haven’t done it before.
and it goes against everything we teach them about trampolines.
maybe at home she’d try it.

Crystal - I’m a new follower, so it may seem silly I’m commenting on such an old post, but I’m working my way backwards!!! I about fell outta my chair when you mentioned the nestea plunge!!! I really thought only my family knew what that was! We used to do it into the pool, friends would come over & never knew what we were talking about! Really? I’m loving your blog!

kristin - and now EVERY DAY eliza says:
annie come to my house to jump on my bed? today annie come?
so soon annie will have to come….

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