Masthead header



you thought i was exagerating…didn’t you?
thank goodness for thursday night tv on dvr.
it made all that folding not seem so bad.
and i also made cupcakes and a birthday cake.



annie turns three on saturday.
she got to bring treats to pre-school.
she’s licking her lips.


i was smiling at my name on my latte today…i liked it.
i don’t know why.
this morning i got my haircut.
i LOVE to have my hair done.
it’s quiet…they wash your hair…it smells so good…and i feel pretty when i leave.

do you like the new blog look?
i think i am finished with the major changes.
it was frustrating and fun to work with all the changes.
i learned alot.

melissa is having a party over in her blog along with The Blissful.
if i invite all of you she makes me her BFF.
so go on over and check it out.
it’s a party celebrating with christmas decor…already.
her blog is all things decorating…i spend lots of time there.
and the blissful is an amazing store in ohio.
she wants you to leave a comment…like a good party guest should.
you can tell her i sent you.
AND i just clicked over to make sure i have the details right
and i saw that i’m a winner….wow.
i’m excited about that.
be sure to join the party.
it really is getting me in the mood for christmas.


Blanca - I feel your pain we are a family of five sometimes seven if you count two college students one living with me and the other stopping by on the weekends they do their on laundry thankfully and every one seems to change twice a day.
My youngest got to take cupcakes on Friday too.
By the way I have tagged you on my blog.
Have a great day.

the feathered nest - Now that’s a lotta laundry LOL! Annie is a cutie and I’d be licking my lips too at the thought of eating those nummy cupcakes!

traci - wow – that is a huge amount of laundry. your little one is so cute. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! love the new look of your blog. it’s not hard to change it, just a little time consuming. hope you had a great weekend!

Carrie - I was clicking around and found your bolg. I am getting in the Christmas mood too with the idea of decorating…just not spending mood yet! and I LOVE to get my hair done too. I love love love someone washing my hair. It is so relaxing! Maybe I should get a sink put in 🙂 con my hubby into it 🙂

melissa @ the inspired room - PS. I forgot to mention I love your new banner! I wish I was talented enough to tweak my blog, but alas, I am not!

melissa @ the inspired room - I am laughing at the laundry piles. Looks like my house, although usually at my house by the time I get them all folded someone has torn through the pile and it is in a clump again!
Congrats on winning my handmade craft. You poor thing! 🙂
And for sure, you are most definitely my BFF!

traci - I LOVE your new blog look BIG TIME!!!! I thought my laundry load was have 3 kids so I guess you just cant compare huh? Cupcakes look so good and am headed over to that new site….just what I need, one more site to look at tee hee

Lauren - 1) I LOVE your new blog look!
2) Talby’s short haircut is adorable!
3) I’m going to run right over to The Blissful right now and tell them that you sent me!
Have a great weekend!!!

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