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pea soup

the foyer is “done” too.
(is any room ever really done?)
the color is very close to pea soup.


there was victorian wallpaper in here and dark wood.
now it looks like “me”
my anniversary chandelier is sparkly and white now.


the green curtains are from target.
they were 29 inches too short so i added the polka dot chenille.
it was a martha stewart bedspread i bought at kmart…like in 2000.
7 years later…it has a purpose.


these shelves were all in our old house in different rooms.
and most of these frames too.
it was fun to find them all again and dust them off.
craig didn’t think it was too fun trying to hang them level on plaster walls.
he is the king of shelf hanging for sure.
they are perfect.

and there’s more….


the other side…
this is directly opposite the other photo wall.
and the crazy bathroom under the stairs.


my dad was a newspaper photographer when i was a kid.
he used to develop his own pictures.
always black and white.
that seems like so long ago.
for the past 7 christmas’ (maybe) he has given lorel and i one of the old black & whites he took of us a long time ago. he still has the negatives…wow…so he has them reprinted in whatever size he wants.
they are each in black frames with black mats.
(except for the one of little kindergarten craig)
they are so totally cool.
they are precious to me.
and they are silly…not walmart portrait studio stuff.
they are real life…caught in action.
maybe someday i will do this for my kids…hmmm.
i JUST thought of that.

Rebecca - Hey! I just love your blog! Thought it was so neat too…my dad was a newspaper photographer when I was young and developed his own pictures in a dark room…:) I do some part time professional photography now. 🙂 Just wanted to say hello!

kim in Camas - ScrapToMyLu - that is a great green. The whole thing looks really good! Love all your autumn photos and all those photos of your girls. So sweet.

Karen Young - The wall shelves are fantastic. I also like you little super heros

Barbara @ Southern Lady's Vintage - Love the foyer and with all the awesome photos! Thanks for sharing your home!

Danelle - I LOVE LOVE LOVE your work. The shelves look awesome and that green pea soup color with the white feels so “clean”.

kristin - or should i say “done”

kristin - competely inspiring…i want to get my entry way done now.

traci - absolutely beautiful – that is what your foyer is. i love it. great shelves and pictures.

Lauren - I may just have to borrow your pea soup color for my new house! 🙂
Great curtains! The custom touch is what MAKES them!

amy - when i saw kindergarten craig at your house the first time, i saw scott. tonight, seeing it here… it’s talby. but i think my favorite it the big baby annie yawn. it all looks amazing. come do my foyer for me. the pea soup might even work.

Christine - This is just gorgeous!

traci - OHHHH MY WORD!!!! The curtains are just off the chart FABULOUS!!!! I adore what you added to the top. The chandelier is PERFECT…the pictures and shelves are just awesome!!!! You should be a real life designer…Im serious, you have a GREAT eye!!!! LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!!!! I am so stealing the shelf idea with the pictures….I “might” be able to pull that one…never thought I would like “pea soup’ but heck fire…I DO!!!!

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