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projects completed

the mirror is done.
a bit sloppy but looks the way i wanted.


A is for Annie.
grandma do you recognize this bird?


or these?


my grandma gave me 4 bird statues to sell at my garage sale…
whenever i finally have one.
well…hope you don’t mind grandma
but i smashed them and put them on my mirror.
along with many dishes i have broken over the years.
or the kids have broken.
everyone’s first initial is on here somewhere.
if you have never done mosaic tiling…you should.
it’s very calming.


this bathroom gets crazier by the day.
the art is almost all filled in.
it’s all done by the kids.
i want to paint one thing on each drawing.
like some of the stripes on the cat or the beak of the owl.
just a little color.



this bathroom says “welcome children”
and that makes me happy.

Alyssa - love it…how did you do it?

She's Sew Pretty - I am visiting via Karla’s cottage and I have to tell you…I love your bathroom! What a wonderful idea!

Heather (aka Digby's mom) - Love the mirror — I used to teach a mosaics class at my pottery studio and I think yours is perfect!!

traci - soo cute – you definately have an eye for decorating and making your house scream “family and love”

amy - love it.

traci - HOW NEAT!! I really admire that you have this gorgeous home and you have handed over this room to your kids to have to decorate. The mirror is not perfect but it is just glorious. I simply ADORE the birds you added and the fact that everyones initials are in their somewhere. I have done mosiacs and do enjoy it alot but I tend to try to have it look perfect which takes the fun away. I need to learn to chill. The drawings on the wall is just fabulous and the idea of painting just one pieace of each drawing is fabulous!!!! Thanks so much for sharing and teaching 🙂

kristin - i think the bathroom says
welcome kristin
i would like you to teach me how to do the mosaic thing…i have wanted to for years. and i have plenty of broken fiesta ware around here…

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