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i am feeling…something.
i can’t figure out quite what it is.
an urgency? to be with God…maybe?
being called loudly to Him.
hearing Him…hearing the him say the word GROW.
feeling frustration and disappointment with myself.
ready to be with God with intention.

i have no photos from the last 3 days because of my feelings.
i am “feeling” but not feeling creative.
so i will share some of talby’s pictures i found on my camera.
there were about 40 like this.
her view of life…

me working in the kitchen…on that pumpkin cake i am guessing.
they don’t even know i was about to kill them accidently.
everywehre in our house there are baby dolls lying around.
the over pass outside of town…
the grain elevator in walton…
the zinnias in the vase on the coffee table.

cute, sweet, everyday life.

AND back to being stuck in the mud…
the car is doing great…thank you again adam.
lauren and her friends took all the pictures that day…
i was not in the mood.
i did put on my make-up while we waited though.
they took probably 25 pictures of the inside of the car.
we sat in the car for 2 hours…
from the moment we stopped till when we were finally out.
that’s a long time…but still better than walking through it…leaving our car…
oh i can’t even think about it…it would have been so awful.

traci - i think you looking at those adorable pictures that your daughter took is God talking to you too!! just enjoy the everyday, simple views we sometimes take for granted.

Bren - Hang in there girl, and LISTEN!! He WILL tell you what He wants you to do, and how you are to grow – if you just ask, and reiterate that you want to live FOR him, and your commitment is 100% !!! This is when the amazing life changing things take place – IF you are willing to let Him direct you!!! I know that feeling you are describing, He’s preparing you… it comes to me often when I am resisting what He has directed me to do. My slight hesitation, or excuses to Him, and he is teaching me to be obedient, regardless of what I think, or am comfortable with! And the growth that happens when I finally fully give myself over to Him is always absolutely AMAZING!
And of course… it’s always easier to see that that was the cause AFTER the fact!! LOLOL!! It’s all about faith, and OUR choices!!
I will keep you lifted in my prayers!!! {{{{{big hugs!!}}}

melissa @ the inspired room - I feel the same way, God is nudging me too. I think sometimes I get so busy with all of my writing and creative opportunities I slowly see Him slipping to the background. That pains me. I am so grateful for my opportunities, for the creative spark He places in me to use for His glory, yet I know the most important thing of all is just to sit at His feet.
Thanks for your transparency, you’ve encouraged me today!

alison - I know exactly what you mean, I’ve been feeling that same way the past week or so. I think its at these times that we dive into scriptures, search for quiet moments to meditate, pray for guidance and inpiration, and try to be ready to receive whatever comes.

traci - Be still and quiet and God will guide you….but I think you already know that! Love all the pictures!!

Jana - Don’t resist those feelings – just go with it. God is good and He does draw us to himself and then it is good, sweet and satisfying. Keep on!

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