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not what i expected


saturday morning….
woke up at 6:30 and was on the road by 7:00.
lauren was with me and we picked up her friend.
we were on our way to the annual arts and crafts fair.
the sunrise was pink.
it was so pretty.
a few minutes later i said “was that lightening?”

12 minutes after this sunrise photo…


i had turned off the highway onto a side country road
going to meet my family at our friends’ house
(i was unaware this was the wrong country road)
it had now been raining hard about 5 minutes…on us
but almost 2 hours on this road…i didn’t know that.
i thought “hmmm…i thought this road was paved.”
then i lost control.
we were siding all over the road in the mud.
i said a bad word…we all screamed a lot…
we swerved some more….slid….screamed some more.
then came to a stop.
for good.
thankful not to be in the ditch
i was stuck…deep in the mud…in the pouring rain…
on the wrong road… with two 12 years olds…in my husband’s car.
his baby.
i wanted to cry…or throw up.
my cell phone doesn’t work in this area.
lauren’s friend had a phone….
the one time i was glad a 12 year old has a cell phone.
it got a signal…we called my friend’s home.
5 rings and the machine…”hello….hello….it’s megan…if you are home…pick up please….i am stuck in the mud….pick up please….if you are there…i am stuck here…we can’t get out”
my mom picked up and said she’d send someone.


our hero.
i have never been so happy to see him.
my good friend got out of his warm bed and came to rescue us.
he leaned in with that big smile “how are you ladies?!”
we were fine now that he was there.
i felt stupid…like a city girl all the way…a dumb one.


he got out a tarp and laid down on the ground…in the flood…
and got us hooked up to be towed by his truck.
it was slow going…lots of sliding….after moving a little bit he’d come back to the car and pull as much mud off the tires as he could…with his hands!


check out our tracks…
maybe next year i will enter the demo derby.
just not in an Acura.

he was so great.
adam…you rock.
you never lost your smile…
you were so kind…
you are the best.
if you asked me to come out in the rain…lay on the ground in the mud…and clean your tires…4 tiimes….i might have hung up and gone back to bed.
AND he came back later in the day and cleaned out the mud from the tires and got it driving smoothly again…i don’t think i could’ve faced craig with his car in that shape.
thank you for saving me.
thank you for answering your phone.
i am so grateful.
how can you do that with a smile?

the craft fair seemed so dull compared to that excitement.
but we went into town anyway in the rain…and 46 degree weather.
both my sister and i said “why are we here?”
but we did it… we gave it an hour and half.
look at all the goodies we found.

walking tacos
local fire department…
doggie hats with sunglasses for sale

we were cold.
lorel bought that coat yesterday
and i wore her new sweater over my sweater.
our shoes and socks were dripping wet.
we went home and took a nap.


the sun came out.
we ended our crazy day in just the right way…
dinner with family and friends.


yummy, relaxed, comfortable, dry, surrounded by kansas beauty.
are her flowers gorgeous or what?
i bet they liked all that rain.


even though the day was totally crappy…
i am so glad i got to spend it with my sister.
we can laugh at all that stuff…what else is there?
just making another memory.
good stuff.

amy - i was so sad that i forgot about the craft fair… until i read your blog. i’m okay having spent the day in my warm, dry house. 🙂

traci - Sorry you got stuck!! PLEASE tell me what we did before cell phones? LOL
Do you literally carry your camera with you 24/7?? You even get a picture of your friends smile as he greeted
Love your blog and LOVE the red neck windchime!! Im not a redneck (we dont even drink beer) but that is just FUNNY.

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