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crafts, grass and 12 year olds


lots of projects i am feeling determined to get finished this week.
and to be honest…this list has been up for 2 weeks
and 2 things are crossed off now.





and by tonight…2 more at least will be crossed off.
i will show you all the goodies when they are all done.

last weekend…
craig’s dad came with a trailer full of toys for craig to play with.


they got the yard re-seeded
and whatever else they did.
craig was loving it.
he was drooling over that mower.
silly boys.


gerald showed scott how to use the leaf blower.
he and my nephew took turns with it.
he felt pretty grown up.


now we wait for the green to come back.

and did you know….
that we are the meanest parents in the world?
apparently we are.
according to this pretty girl.


this picture was just before her first dance on friday.
she had a wonderful time.
and i am happy about that.
i told my sister “this is a good week for her.”
that was last week.
nothing major…just us doing our job…
setting boundaries and rules that are for her best.
and her doing her job of not liking discipline and change…
and making sure we know it.
our line almost everyday around here “she’s sooo 12”
gotta love it.

amy - i am so wanting to see that mirror!

Danelle - I thought I was the meanest mom in the world…so I’ve been told.

kristin - oh, oh, oh…work well!

traci - I cant wait to see everything when they are done. I did the VERY SAME thing to my gold chandelier I bought at an estate sale! The mirror looks SO COOL!! I have an 11yr. old and I know what you mean about attitude, boundaries and HORMONES!!!

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