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heart ache


oh poor baby.
she is not in any pain but she is terrified.
annie had her cardiologist appointment today.
she was born with a heart murmur.
it is not life threatening and does not affect her at all really.
except when we go to these appointments and she has a panic attack.


all he is doing is listening with a stethoscope.
that’s all.
no one has hurt her in any way.
it looks like she is being tortured.


it is always dramatic with annie.
i took my camera because i wanted a picture of her getting her EKG.
they put 10 of these little snap stickers on her chest
and then hook up little cables to the snaps.
she seriously looks like a science project or that she is about to be jump started.
it doesn’t hurt at all and it’s fast.
but it invades her personal space and that’s bad.
so i didn’t get pictures…because we had to all work to get her to lay still & be calm.
i was sweating like crazy.
i have talked with her about going to the heart doctor for a week.
i thought if i prepped her enough she wouldn’t be scared.
it didn’t work.

her heart is the same…no change.
she is healthy though and that’s what matters.
it’s a common defect to have.
i was very worried when she was born but now i am ok…99% of the time.

we went to starbucks afterwards…for my nerves.
i was ordering my pumpkin spice latte
and annie interupts loudly to tell the coffee girl “I GO-ED TO DA HEART DOCTOR!!”
stranger anxiety apparently gone now. ???

then we stopped by and surprised my grandma.


this is my 89 year old grandma’s exercise ball.
she uses it.
she is amazing.
she takes exercises classes!
she volunteers…she gardens….she goes to the theater…she is so busy.
today she was telling me how she wishes she ate healthier foods.
she showed me her new healhty juice she saw on a “get healthy” Oprah.
it was yummy…blueberry pomagranite.


i just love her so much.
she is so kind and generous.
she is happy and content.
she is smart.
i love spending time with her.
she reads my blog.
oh yeah…she emails and is online…how cool is that?
she printed out my pumpkin cake recipe.
but it’s not healthy.

and on a completely unrelated subject…
i cleaned the fish tank 2 days ago
as of today…all 6 fish are dead.
gee – do you think i had something to do with that?
i think my sponge had anti-bacterial stuff in it.

melissa @ the inspired room - I can relate to all of this, having a dramatic son who has the same look on his face whether he is getting a shot at the doctor’s office or I am cutting his fingernails. All the same level of DRAMA! 🙂
Grandma sounds wonderful, I had one just like her. I miss her.

Aimee - I just wanted to rescue her from that experience. wow. I do the ekg’s at work and really it’s no big deal. baby what a hard road you will have to go down. She may have to learn to drink fancy coffee also.

kristin - i want to sit with your grandma…she sounds like mine.
and POOR BABY is right.

kristin - i want to sit with your grandma…she sounds like mine.
and POOR BABY is right.

Christine - Oh, sweetheart! She DOES look as though she is being tortured.
I wanted to tell you that I am going to try that pumpkin spice cake recipe for our church potluck this Sunday. I, like your grandma, printed it off!
It was fun bumping into you the other day!

traci - Oh my word!!! You would think she had needles sticking in her all over the place…that is kinda funny but I know at that moment its not funny but completely stressful!!
She is a total cutie pie!!
As for your grandma…oh my word…she is just one happening lady. That is HILARIOUS that she uses that big, huge ball for exercise. I had to laugh. As for cleaning the tank and killing the fish…LOL… thats why ours is nice and dirty..tee hee

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