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star wars



i was having such fun making this page for scott.
i was hunting through his room looking for something with the logo on it.
i found an empty lego box that just happen to be about 12 x 12.
i cut the top off and that became my page!
the page is a piece of carboard…
i know it’s not acid free…i am okay with that.
i painted over the big lego symbol because it was distracting…
and i painted over the numbers in the bottom corner for a journaling space.
then i made the little booklet of his pictures of the collection.
it’s glued together (E6000) and then i put brads through it when it was dry.
each page a little tab for turning.
lots of fun for me….


kristin - w
micah would flip out.

Danelle - You are the craftiest person EVER.

melissa @ the inspired room - My son is a big Star Wars (and Spiderman!) fan too. His name is Luke so he calls himself Luke Skywalker!
What? Not acid free!?? Just kidding, I used to be a Creative Memories consultant (for five years) and that was the big mantra. Good for you on making scrapbooks. I’ve gotten out of the habit but I need to get back into it. So much fun!

traci - There are so many things for young boys to get into nowadays….. dont even know your son but Im so glad he chose Star Wars!! I remember standing in line for HOURS when it first came out and watching the first movie with my mouth hanging

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